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"You're soulmates for a reason, Y/n."

I understand that. But does he?

You were starting to drown in your thoughts again as everyone had gradually left the room, leaving you two alone.
If it wasn't for the fact that he was lying unconscious there, you would have run off to your room too.

Even though you were getting nervous, it was one of those rare chances you'd get to be that close to him.
And weren't going to miss that for now.

But what you dreaded the most was that you would have to talk to him about it once he woke up.

Was it the right time to do so?

But when would be the right time, then?

You feared that he would ignore it again and continue letting his insecurities control him. You feared that your relationship with him as a soulmate still hadn't reached a point where you could confront him and talk him out of his troubles.

You looked down at him again, feeling a rush of different feelings all at once.

Your eyes scanned his face, from his long eyelashes to his perfectly shaped plump lips, which suddenly awakened a sense of some sort of longing in you.

But it also brought a smile to your face. You could keep staring at him for hours, and you still wouldn't get tired.
He looked so ethereal and so.... perfect. He had all the rights to brag about his good looks.

His annoying, goofy but caring nature was what made people like him so much. Almost everyone knew how hard he had worked to become who he was, and that is why they admired him too. Not to mention that he was really talented and deserved his place in Bangtan.

But it was because those shallow minded people who couldn't see the whole picture that he was in his current state.

As much as one would like to ignore them, such toxic fans and haters knew exactly how to discourage someone who worked so hard to make them happy.
They never understand that criticism has its limits too. One haphazard comment, and all the confidence one had spent years to build could come crashing down all at once.

"You'll burn a hole into the wall if you keep staring at it while frowning like that."

You flinched upon hearing the sleepy voice, immediately turning your head around to look for the owner.

And it took you a few seconds to realise who exactly was speaking.
You turned to face him, and he chuckled.

"Took you long enough to figure out that it was me."

"You passed out for a good three hours. You think it's funny?" You retorted, glaring at him.

"Do you know who worried the boys and the managers were?"

He pouted. "And what about you?"

You narrowed your eyes, trying to ignore the fact that he just pouted.

"What about me?"

"Didn't you worry about me at all?"

You rolled your eyes. "Why do you think I stayed here?"

"Because you couldn't get enough of my beauty?"


You sighed. "This really isn't funny, Seokjin. And you know that.

What were you doing at Bighit last night?"

He tried to sit up, but failed as he hadn't fully recovered yet. You motioned for him to stay in the same position and not stress his body.

"What has that got to do with this?"

You clicked your tongue. "You tell me."

He hesitated, trying on pull on a straight face.
"I really don't know what you're talking about."

You raised an eyebrow.

Why is he trying to hide his feelings so desperately?

"Then why do you feel so uneasy right now?"

He looked at you, puzzled. "Who said I do?"

You let out a sigh.
"No one did. I felt it."

His eyebrows lowered in confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?"

You drew in a deep breath.
"We aren't soulmates for nothing, you know."

"Does that mean-

You feel whatever I'm feeling right now?"

You nodded, laying back on the chair.
"I can just feel your emotions vaguely. And I know something has been troubling you for the past few days.
I might know what it is, but I want you to tell me."

He sighed, closing his eyes as he steered his face away.
"There's nothing troubling me. I just need some rest, I guess."

You scoffed. "Then you shouldn't be practicing through the night just days before a world tour when you're clearly told not to."

He immediately opened his eyes and turned to look at you.
"And who told you that?"

"A little bird did." You shrugged.

"But that's not the point.
Why would you do it, huh? And you went to practice last night too? Even when you knew that you were already weak?"

He let out a frustrated sigh. "You don't know what being an idol is like, okay. We need to practice constantly to improve ourselves and avoid making mistakes."

"That doesn't mean you have to do it till you die. I might not know all that you have to deal with, but I do know that there is only so much one can take.

No one's stopping you from trying working on improving yourself. But you need to do it in a systematic way.
If you keep going on like this, it's not gonna help in any way."

He grimaced. "I'm not in the mood to talk right now. I need to rest."

You tightened your grip on his arm that you had been holding uptil now.

"You're trying to run away again. Like you've been doing all this time. Don't bottle it up, Jin. That's not going to get you anywhere."

He rolled his eyes "Please don't try to be a counsellor. You don't really know anything about me."

"Tell me, then. You need to talk about it." You beckoned.

This time, he turned his whole body to face the other side, completely ignoring you.

"I said I don't want to."

You sighed, racking your brains to think of a way to get him talking.

Until it hit you.

"You have to."


I know I'm a bit late, but DOUBLE UPDATE!

(Lol that rhymed)

So what do you think is going to make Jin open up? 👀



Stay at home, and stay safe 😅❤️

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