Chapter 8

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Avneil reached airport and went to straight inside and saw their gang standing near corner waiting for them.. Avneil holding each other hands walked to them... off course Neil wearing his hoodie to hide from media...

They reached to their friends... Neil cupped avni face and looked at her...

Neil : I'm going to see the air hostesses... you be with them..

Avni gave nods.. Neil kissed her forehead and went while avni was hugged Nandini..

Nandini : are you excited...

Avni : I'm but I'm also scared...

Manik comes and pulls Avni in side hug...

Manik : we are there for you... trust Neil everything will be fine..

Avni nods.. soon Neil joined them and looked at avni who was still side hugging Manik...

Neil : guys everything is shorted... our luggage is already placed... we should starts checking in before it's get too crowded...

Manik : yeah let's go...

Everyone starts going towards when Neil pulled aside and looks at her.

Neil : what happened? You looks tensed!

Avni : I was thinking about the trip...

Neil : trust me... I won't let anyone point finger at you or any harm towards you... now Let's go...

Neil held avni hand and took her to checking point... soon everyone were seated on their seat... mukti cabir - Manik Nandini- aliya dhruv- Neil Avni...

The flight took off while couple were cozy with Each other expect avneil..Neil was listening to music while avni was rested her head on Neil's shoulder... Neil with his one hand was caressing Avni hair and kept pecking it..

Almost 3 hours later avni was faster sleep... Neil was admiring her when Nandini comes to see avni sleeping..

Nandini called Neil... Neil looked at her..

Neil : doll you Here... did Manik tease you...

Nandini : no Bhai.. I came to inform you about lunch.. wake Avni up...

Neil looked at avni who was sleeping peacefully holding his hand.. he smiled.. Then looked at Nandini who was admiring them..

Neil : let her sleep.. I'll make her eat later when she wakes up..

Nandini nods..

Nandini : shall I get your lunch Here...

Neil : no it's fine... I'll have it with Avni..

Nandini nodding her head left leaving the couple alone.. as Nandini left Neil picked his phone and clicked avni picture and smiled seeing it...

Two Hours passed when avni stirred in sleep... she opened her eyes and saw Neil sleeping keeping his head on hers... she smiled and slowly kept his head in her lap.. she starts caressing his hair...

She looked to other side and saw everyone sleeping expect Manik who was admiring Nandini.. she smiled at him... while caressing Neil's hair she turned her gaze toward window and watched the view of the outside.. she was so fully watching didn't realise when Neil opened his eye and was watching her facial expression...

She heard little chuckle when she turned she saw Neil smiling...

Avni : when did you woke up?

Neil : when you are busy watching outside... how's the view?

Avni : I'm loving it... thank you for bringing me too...

Neil got up from her lap and cupped her face..

Neil : don't need to thank me but remember wherever I go you will follow like shadow... you know your are my shadow and I can't live with you or my shadow...

Avni Hugged him.. Neil was just smiling seeing her happy face.. all he wanted was her happy face all the time....

Neil broke hug and kissed her forehead...

Neil : are you hungry..

Avni : I'm but everyone is sleeping...

Neil : they had their lunch...

Avni : what about you? Did you eat with them!

Neil : I wanted to have it with you.. so leave all that... tell me what you want to eat...

Avni : anything... I don't mind but I want something light...

Neil : okay...

Neil pressed a small bell... soon one air hostess come and looks at Neil...

Air ho: yes sir... how could I help you?

She was being extra sweet.. Neil gave her smiled..

Neil : could you bring much for us.. and please make sure it's light...

Air ho: sure sir...anything else...

Neil : no thank you..

Air hostess nods and went while avni glared Neil who wasn't aware of this.. soon air hostess came back with food... she again checked Neil out...

Air ho: have good day sir...

She left... Neil starts opening the wrapping while Avni muttered something making Neil smirk...

Avni : have good day sir... why the heck every girl has to check him out...

She starts cursing the girl while Neil was only smirking while taking the wrapper out.. soon he Finished and looked at avni...

Neil : Avni...

Avni was still cursing then.. as she head Neil.. she snapped her head to him and gave him angry look...

Avni : what?

Neil : don't you want have lunch...

Avni looked at the food then at Neil..

Avni : no...

Neil : aren't you hungry!

Avni : no..

Neil : why?

Avni : Neil stop it!

Neil : avni.. have your lunch then we will talk..

Avni : sorry....

Neil : don't be.. it fine to be jealous..

Avni : I'm not jealous...

Neil : yeah only I know... let's have lunch.. I'm hungry..

Avni said sorry again starts feeding herself and also Neil.. Neil fed her too.. like this they finished their lunch...

Avni removed her shoe and kept her leg in his lap. He smiled.. she kept her head near the window...

24 hours later they landed in London... they Checked out and left to their hotel.. they all staying in same hotel...

They reached to hotel and checked their bookings for rooms.. they shared room with their partners...

Being tried from journey everyone immediately took the room key and crashed to bed while in avneil room... Neil was in washroom washing his face.. while avni was resting her head on headboard of the bed... she was waiting for Neil to come so she could sleep in his arms...

Soon Neil came out and looked at her.. any moment she could fall sleep.. he immediately took his side and pulled her in hug.. pecking her head he covered themselves with duvet.. Avni snuggled to him more...

Neil peaked her head again..

Neil : love you baby.. sleep!

Avni smiles and finally let her sleep take her... soon Neil slept hugging her tightly...

Here is the update.. after so long..

Hope you enjoy it..

See you soon with next chapter! ❤️

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