1.3 finding sugar

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"THERE YOU ARE!!" hoseok yelled as he spotted a coconut headass approaching him, "I ALMOST THOUGHT YOU WOULDN'T COME!!"

jungkook waddled over to his hyung just for the older to embrace him in a tight hug, "h-hyung", he spoke out, struggling to breathe as the sunshine hugged him, "i c-can't breathe! y-you're choking me"

hoseok quickly pushed him away, "YA!" looking disgusted, "the only person i choke is min yoongi, and that's when he's sucking my dick!"

jungkook rolled his eyes, straightening his shirt, "hyung, there will be no dick-choking unless we find yoongi hyung. let's not waste any more time."

hoseok nodded thoughtfully. his eyes widening as he looked at the ironman t-shirt kook was wearing, "the fuck are you wearing? some comic-con shit here that i don't know about?"

jungkook shook his head adorably. blushing, he batted his eyelashes at hoseok, his feet pointed towards each other like an anime girl, "no hyung, it's just that you know, since I'm literally the biggest namjoon stan ever, i thought it'd be cool if i confessed to-"

"aNYGAYS", hoseok interrupted him, "let's just look for yoongi for now. we can talk about your namjoon obsession maybe like, never?"

jungkook frowned, pouting. but he still complied to his hyung's wishes. as they both looked around the gigantic panda express outlet for yoongi, it was almost midnight.

hoseok looked under the tables and the chairs. yoongi was tiny, he would've fit in there easily anyway, hoseok smiled at the thought of his smol babie.

jungkook looked in the garbage can, hands shuffling through the trash. maybe hyung finally went where he belonged, he thought as he rummaged thorough the container.

as the both of these blind motherfuckers were about to give up on finding sugar, hoseok's cell phone rang in his jean's pocket.

way too sleepy to see the caller ID, he spoke, yawning, "yeobu-"

but he was immediately interrupted as a loud voice boomed through the other end of the line, "I SWEAR TO GOD I'M THIS FUCKING CLOSE TO DISOWNING ALL OF Y'ALL UNGRATEFUL MOTHERFUCKERS"

it's jin hyung, he thought.

hoseok's face drained of colour. it was scary when seokjin was mad mad at any of them.


jungkook looked at hoseok, clueless of the yelling man on the other line, he mouthed who is it?

hoseok chuckled nervously, not wanting the younger to think he was a coward, he forced a smile and spoke, "you're so dirty y/n, you know that?"

jungkook's face scrunched up in confusion , who the hell was this y/n and why were they dirty talking to his hyung?

"bitch, the fuck you say?!" jin yelled on the other end.

hoseok gulped, he knew he was gonna get an ass beating the minute he reached home.

"oh stop it y/n, you're so naughty" hoseok daringly spoke, still keeping up the drama in front of jungkook. simply because he didn't want to appear weak.

jungkook looked at him impressed. god knows how many lovers hoseok had, he wanted to be like his hyung too.


"bYEE LOVE YOU TOO Y/N", and with that hoseok quickly ended the call, mortified thinking about the wrath the older was going to unleash right at him later.

"hyung, who's y/n??" jungkook innocently asked.

"uhhhh it's just some horny teenager who should be studying right now but, for some reason unknown, is stanning seven older asian men who don't even know her name, instead."

jungkook nodded to himself in realisation, damn, the crack taehyung and I mixed in hyung's cereal this morning is surely kicking in, he thought.

just then, a weird noise took over the silence in the empty restaurant.

hoseok and jungkook quickly started looking around for the source of the sound.

jungkook's head whipped around in the direction of the bathroom and he whisper-shouted to hoseok, "hyung! the bathroom!"

the two dumbasses quietly advanced towards the bathroom, the sound getting louder.

and louder.

and clearer.

the sound...

were moans?

jungkook and hoseok shared a look as jungkook slowly turned the knob and opened the door.

"yes, hobi! just like that!"

their eyes widened as they looked at yoongi's asleep figure, moaning.

"daddy, you're sucking my toes so good, MhmM"

jungkook nearly choked on air as he burst into a fit of coughs.

hoseok just stood at the doorway, like a sim waiting for command, his mouth agape.

hoseok cleared his throat as the sounds became louder and he was getting a hard on, "uhhH, yoongi! wake up!" he shook yoongi's shoulders violently.

"hyung, no, stop", jungkook told hobi, "he's not going to wake up like this. i know just the way."

the younger ran outside and just as hoseok was about to protest, jungkook suddenly came back in. two large metal trays in his hands.

surely he has some genius plan, hoseok thought, rasing his brow at the younger.

and just then, jungkook started banging the trays together. making a loud noise as the trays collided.

"i ain't get no sleep cos of yall, yall ain't getting no sleep cos of me!" he sang loudly, a scowl on his face.

hoseok covered his ears with his hands. apparently, this was too loud for the loud motherfucker himself.

"kook, stop!" he yelled.

"i ain't get no sleep cos of yall, yall ain't getting no-"

"DROP IT, I'M ALIVE YOU MOTHERFUCKER! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" yoongi suddenly yelled over the noise.

yoongi rubbed his hand over his temple, his forehead now hurting from the loud banging.

jungkook literally dropped the trays loudly on the floor, making another loud bang!

"cOME HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT-" yoongi yelled as he ran after junglebook, and out of panda express.

"WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?!" hoseok shouted, chasing after them, "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?!"


what even is this...


also if no one's told you this today or if you're feeling sad, I LOVE YOU BITCH AND I AIN'T GON NEVER STOP LOVIN U BIITCHH \(♡3♡)/ yea so drop by in my dms or smth, my twt's @/dionysusiut hAHA SHAMELESS SELF PROMOO YURRR

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