0.6 leadernim uwu

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after namjoon had taken his leave from the mall because his own friends were accusing him of shit he didn't even do, he landed on a beach.

it was fairly sunny and windy so he decided to take a walk by himself, considering it a way to clear his mind of the previous series of unfortunate events.

namjoon sighed as he took off his helmet and sat down on the sand.

it was exhausting, being the only one with the capability to think among your friends. he had to always watch out for them, keep an eye on them, hoping they wouldn't destroy the world in attempt to save it.

one time namjoon and jin had to leave for London as some local area 51 aliens were threatening to invade the world. upon their return when they entered their apartment, they found out that taehyung and jungkook had accidentally set the kitchen on fire, while yoongi was soundly sleeping on the sofa, hoseok screaming and wildly running for his dear life, as jimin watched porn in his room, forgetting that his laptop was connected to the living room speakers.

you can say it was a very weird sight to see and hear for the both of them. namjoon softly smiled at the memory. they were weirdos, no doubt, but they were his weirdos and he wouldn't mind taking care of them for another 84 years, atleast.

just then he spotted three tiny little babie crabs making their way to him. he picked them up in his hand and waved to them with the other. he instantly turned around to show the crabs to the members, but his smile turned into a frown once he realised he was alone. sighing, he spoke, " i must've worried them all when i suddenly flew out of there. now they must be looking for me and the thief everywhere."


*while at McDonald's*

"I CALLED HER AND I SAID" hoseok loudly said in between laughs, looking into the camera , "IM AT MCDONALD'S BUT I WASN'T LOVIN' IT "

all six of them burst into laughter as the people around them looked at them weirdly.

after hoseok and jungkook had found jin and yoongi, they had called taehyung and jimin to come eat with them too.

it was a weird match of friends, sitting clustered on one tiny table, wearing superhero costumes. it wasn't a pretty sight to see.

when the laughter died down, seokjin spoke, "so when's the waiter gonna come here and take our order? we've been sitting here since forever, that bitch might just catch my hands i swear to Odin."

"HEY! YOU THERE! " a voice yelled from behind them, "yOU DARE TAKE THE LORD'S NAME IN VAIN?!"

"who the fuck- " as seokjin whipped his head around to see the source of the voice, his eyes widened. "L-Lucas? is that you?"

the said man's face copied the expression and he said, "s-seokjin h-hyung??"


[yes this is lucas from nct starring as thor's brother, loki lmaoo]

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