1.9 karma's a bitch

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the avengers weren't usually like this; bickering endlessly, making each other's lives miserable even though they knew all of them had better things to do.

well, i mean they were like this occasionally...

okay, they were like this 99% of the fucking time in a whole of the seven(7) years they spent together. but they were all competitive superheroes striving to be the best, what'd you expect?

in the midst of the chaos, lucas's phone rang, which went completely unnoticed by the seven of them as they all had their feet up each other's assses, literally.

"ow, hyung! the fuck was that for?!" jimin yelled rubbing his jibooty as jin had just kicked him in the ass with his heelys.

"for being an ass to me and disrespecting me like that, hoe", jin then looked around at the rest of them and glared, "y'know y'all might as well wear condoms on your heads if you're just going be complete dickheads to me, living inside my home, and disrespecting me like that."

namjoon immediately remarked, "oooo the tea is hot today, sis went off"

"namjoon, if you weren't this good looking, swear to Odin i wouldn't have hesitated to whoop your ass", sockjin sighed, shaking his head.

jungkook snickered next to taehyung, nudging him, "as if he doesn't already do that every night"



but anygays, back to lucas's phone ringing.

he quietly excused himself from the chaos and went to the rooftop even though no one actually heard him; a small figure raised a brow at him suspiciously and decided to quietly follow him.

now, yoongi was naturally paranoid. of course being a superhero forced you to always be alert, but he had something built inside his panther suit; very sensitive auditory sensors.

which brought him to where he was now; standing on the staircase as he'd followed lucas who went right over to the rooftop to make his call. which would obviously seem very sketchy to anyone. well anyone but the six dumbasses arguing endlessly downstairs.

the sensors on yoongi's suit buzzed vigorously with every word lucas muttered to the other person on the call and yoongi immediately understood the frequency, deciding to walk a little higher on the staircase.

"what do you mean i should've killed him back at McDonald's?? there were too many people around and we would've had too many casualties if anyone would've decided to interfere", lucas spoke angrily.

"well, don't worry then. you've given me the job and i shall do it no matter what. don't act like you don't know about the countless murders I've committed all across the universe. i take pride in them", yoongi heard him smirking as he talked on the phone.

so, it was true. seokjin's brother was a supervillian.
yoongi's grip tightened on the railing he was holding onto. he would've walked up there and killed lucas if he wasn't just so keen to hear everything else that he had to say.

"yes, i came all the way to his house cos i thought he was alone. turns out he's still living with the dumbasses, all crammed up in the small apartment, arguing like there's no tomorrow. jesus, you should see them bickering, makes you wanna get a bucket full of popcorn and watch those dramatic bitches get up each other's asses", he snickered.

"especially my brother, he's a bitch to the rest of them, and honestly i feel bad. seokjin doesn't even let them breathe without jumping their asses every fucking second. I can't tell you how much I've been restraining myself from ending him right there at the spot", lucas muttered, making yoongi shrug his shoulders in approval, he knew exactly what he was talking about.

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