10 - Constant

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For once, I almost forgot what it was like to be me.

I went out with friends. Yes, friends. Something I've always wanted to say, is the fact that I actually have friends. When years of watching SpongeBob SquarePants made me wonder what it was like to have friends that'll always have your back, I found my soul sisters with these idiots. Somewhere completely different, but it still felt the same. Where paths once crossed and parted, for some odd reason, whenever I find myself in the middle of nowhere, I'll only come home to these idiots.

Vulnerability is something that I cannot get used to without letting it sound so weird when it comes out of my tongue. It's like chocolate that I can't spit out because I only want to keep it to myself, but it's something worth sharing, worth giving, to those you truly appreciate. Whenever you get to the point where everything else in your life has changed, there will always be a constant. I found that constant with these idiots. With every challenge I have faced throughout my teen years, even if we have been busy with our own lives, we still find comfort from each other.

And for once in my life, I knew that these idiots would always stick around, no matter how far we part, we'll always find each other again.

We'll be okay. I promise. Being okay may not be a constant right now, but at least, for a while, I was smiling again.

And I found that smile again with my constants.

– "Constant", October 24

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