• chapter eleven

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the week has finished and nobody from the group was able to enjoy it.

jungkook and hoseok kept fighting making it impossibly hard for mimi to have fun when she constantly worried about jungkook.

at one point the girl decided to let jungkook be and not to look after him, but he always came to her asking for her to take care of him. it made her giggle when he'd text to non-stop asking where she was because he wanted her to come over and clean his recent cuts. sometimes she thought he got into fights just to have her attention.

no matter how much the boy begged, she ignored him. she was upset with him and hoseok. they ruined everyone's fun. they couldn't sit down and be civil for a week. they didn't even share a room the entire week and they still somehow found something to fight about.

mimi was more worried about jimin than about jungkook. after she saw him cry, he's always been locked in his and tae's room. taehyung tried to get him to leave but he always said, 'maybe another time.' it made tae worried and that worry passed onto mimi.

on the plane right back home, mimi had to sit next to jungkook. she ignored him and read her book then entire way there. jungkook on the other hand kept trying to get her attention. the boy grew tired of her ignoring him and apologized saying he'd try to stop the fights. that he'd do better to ignore hoseok but that went straight out the window the minute they landed.

the boys fought at the bag return over who's bag was which when they could've just looked at the name tags. they had their name's on their bags.

when mimi noticed them fighting, she grabbed her things and left. she didn't wanted to hear them argue anymore, that's all she's been hearing for the past week and she was done.

mimi did her best for their first week back to ignore jungkook. he begged and begged for her attention for the first few days but eventually he gave up and they acted as if they didn't know each other.

the thing was about that week, jungkook didn't fight with hoseok once. hoseok would say something to him but jungkook would roll his eyes and keep walking. mimi would notice and she tried not to make it look like she was paying attention but sometimes her and jungkook would make eye contact and she knew that he knew he had her attention.

that's honestly all he wanted was her attention. he wanted her to notice him again like she did the day she cleaned his wounds for the first time. he missed her.

during the "ignoring jungkook" week, as taehyung liked to call it, she hung out with jimin. she found out that the day hoseok and jimin were arguing it was because jimin had broken up with him.

jimin would lock himself in the dance room and dance and dance and dance. he'd dance to forget about the hurtful words hoseok spoke to him. well mimi wanted to start up dancing again, wanting to get back in touch with her old self. she found him in the dance room crying and dancing.

mimi talked to him and he slowly started opening up to her. so they started hanging out. they'd go to café's together, go on walks, buy cute little plushies for each other and it brought them closer. she's happy she could pull him away from the dark.

 she's happy she could pull him away from the dark

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