• chapter fifteen

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mimi goes back to school today and everyone looks at her. they know what happened and it makes her feel weird but then someone says something that sends her over the edge.

"that's what she gets for being friends with someone like him." she whispers and as she looks at the girl she notices its yami. jungkooks ex best friend.

she wants to say something but taehyung slides in and walks her away from the situation.

"just ignore them and keep walking." he says in her ear and mimi listens. while they're walking down the hallway, jungkook passes by. they make eye conatct but then taehyung clears his throat and mimi turns away.

"tae can i be honest?" she says quietly.

"of course." he smile at her. she sighs.

"honestly, i miss him. i miss when he'd text me late at night just because he wanted to sleep on my couch. i miss our talks when we'd stop and get some hot chocolate after our long walks. i miss his adorable high pitched laugh and the way he scrunches his noise when he smiles. i miss his cute bunny smile and god i miss his adorabe eyes." she lets it all out and taehyung just stares at her.

"are you sure you're not in love with him, dang." he sighs. she rolls her eyes.

"i'm serious tae! i wish this never happened. i wish we didn't go to that stupid party and stayed home. i wish he just wanted to stay on my couch all day and we could've watched movies instead of go to that stupid party! now my brother won't let me anywhere near him and i miss him. i want him back tae." she finishes and she feels tears run down her cheek.

"great i'm crying." she laughs. "could i get anymore pathetic?" she slams her bag into her desk and stands there for a moment.

"you know what? i'm old enough to make my own decisions. i'm going to talk to jungkook and if namjoon gets in the way he's going to get it." she says angrily.

she leaves the classroom and search for jungkook. she's misses the boy, can you blame her?

when she can't find him in the class he's supposed to be in, she calls his phone.

it rings and rings and rings but no answer.

"i know your phone is on jungkook." she sighs and calls again but it's no use. the boy won't answer her calls.

she sighs and goes back to lecture before she's late.

the entire time she was thinking about jungkook, hoping he's okay.

"he's fine mi, calm down." tae says and rests his hand on her bouncing leg.

it's a habit of hers, when she's nervous her leg bounces uncontrollably and she pinches herself.

tae's hand somewhat calms her down but the minute the teacher dismisses then she's out of the classroom.

she rushes straight to his hideout despite the fact that she has class in thirty minutes.

when she gets to the treehouse it's destroyed. the tree that was supporting was knocked down and she remember the horrible storm they got a few days ago.

her heart breaks at the sight of it. this treehouse was his everything, and on top of losing it they pushed him away.

'he's had nowhere to sleep since the storm... unless he's been staying at his parents but that's doubtful.' she thinks to herself.

she takes her chances and goes to his house. she knocks on the door and the kind women, who she believes is his mother, opens the door.

"yes, can i help you?" she asks politely.

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