• chapter eighteen

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it's been a week since jungkook's post.

jihyo and mimi are talking again. jihyo didn't apologize and mimi didn't make her. they acted as if jungkook didn't exist. as if the last few months were blank.

"mimi please!" jihyo begs.

right now she's begging her closest friend to join the dance group. she denies.

"no, i don't really wanna dance." she says quietly. there is something she's wanted to be apart of.

after jungkook's absence, she's found herself doing things she's never thought she'd do before.

the past week she's been singing more, painting more... lots more, and now she wants to do something she's dreamed of doing is she was young.

"how about i be a cheerleader?" she asks shyly. jihyo stops, taehyung drops his tray of food and yoongi's eyes widen.

she blushes, "what? i've wanted to do it for so long." she fidgets with her sweater paws.

"do it." jihyo says without thinking twice. ( 😉 )

"yeah do it, i think you'd look badass." tae shrugs as he cleans up his food with a pout on his face.

"tae you cant say the word badass while looking so cute stop it." tzuyu giggles as she helps her friend. he smiles and takes the tray to the trash.

mimi looks over to yoongi and the boy smiles.

"if this is truly something you'd like to do, go for it. i'll support you the entire way." he gives his gummy smile and she squeals in excitement.

she hugs her friends and disappears to talk to the cheer captain.

mimi quickly makes her way down the hallway into the large gym. when she enters nayeon, the cheer captain, looks at her.

"hey mimi! what brings you here?" she says sweetly while showing off an adorable toothy smile.

"i actually wanted to know if you had a spot open on the team. i'll be wherever you want me to be, i'd just really like a chance." she smiles shyly.
nayeon looks towards the group.

"ya know what. we actually need another member. my co-captain actually left on us. she moved a few days back and we've been struggling since." she sighs.

"i can try my best to be a co-captain." mimi says cheerfully. "you'll have to help me out a bit of course because i've never done this before but i'd love to help out." she smiles.

nayeon looks at her, "really? you'd do that? co-captain is an important position. i can give you something easier if you want."

"i'm alright with something challenging." mimi smiles. with that they talk about when practice is and nayeon walks her through a few more things.

they got her a uniform and everything. mimi's never been so happy.

"thanks so much nayeon!!" she says as she leaves the gym. she had changed into her uniform and helped out a bit.

when she meets up with the small group they all gape at her. her cheeks flush.

"damn, you look good." jihyo says as she examines her best friends figure.

"my best friend is a cheerleader. now i have two cheerleader best friends." tae smiles. tzuyu was also a cheerleader.

mimi was excited to tell jungkook til she realized.. she didn't have jungkook to tell anymore.

tae notices the girls eyes suddenly sadden and looks at her.

"what's the matter?" he says quietly. she gives out a small, sad laugh.

"it's nothing." she sighs and fakes a smile. tae looks at her a little longer, knowing somethings up but he doesn't want to push it.

later when tae, mimi and yoongi arrived at her apartment, mimi let's it go. she cries at the counter top.

the boys look at her with sad eyes. they know why she's crying. yoongi walks over to her and holds her. she moves her head to the crook of his neck and cries harder.

she's been distracting herself all week, trying to forget that he left her. so the minute her mind jumped to jungkook when she go the news, she broke.

after about 20 minutes of crying and hugging yoongi. she lets go, wipes her tears and apologizes.

"don't apologize mimi. it's not like you to apologize." yoongi says sadly, and he's right.

she's never apologized this much. every now and then, when it's necessary, of course she'll apologize. but apologizing to your best friends for letting your feelings out, she's never apologized for that.

she normally cries and then the boys will do something goofy to make her laugh and then they act as if it never happened because that's just how they were.

"hey.. i have an idea." tae says softly. mimi looks up at him and he continues, "grab a big blanket."

mimi doesn't question and she goes to her room and grabs a blanket from her closet.

she gives the blanket to him. he grabs the blanket and her hand and gestures for yoongi to follow.

when they step outside there's a slight chill in the air from the autumn season. they walk together to the walk that's down the street.

when they get there mimi looks at him with confusion in her eyes. he just smiles and walks to the middle of the small park where no trees cover the view of the sky.

he lays out the blanket and lays down on it. yoongi realizes what tae is getting at and lays down as well.

when it finally clicks for mimi, her eyes begin to water.

"no more crying. come look at the stars with us." yoongi says softly and reaches his hand to her.

she takes it and smiles and lays between the two. they stare at the beautiful dark blue sky in silence until tae says, "is that a constellation?" he points.

both mimi and yoongi scoot towards him to see where he's pointing.

after that they sit and talk about constellations and how beautiful the sky looked until...

mimi jumps at the sudden roar of thunder. tae frowns, "oh come on." the boy pouts.

" the boy pouts

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