One: "The Protected Garden."

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There was a beautiful garden on earth, the enchanted and luscious land hidden in the depths of all that was pure and good

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There was a beautiful garden on earth, the enchanted and luscious land hidden in the depths of all that was pure and good. Only few boys and girls were blessed with being able to live in the garden from birth and onward, some precious souls granted access by proving their purity, whether through horrible trials or just everyday life.

Just as all that is good and pure in the world and in the garden, there was evil and tainted. Those were the creatures disguised as humans that laid outside of the garden. Most came to terms with their inability to step foot in the beautiful garden, others spent their lives trying to force themselves in.

Still, there was another, small group of people that obsessed over the thought of being able to steal one of the innocent that lived in the garden. They were consumed in the fantasy of taking an inhabitant of the garden and keeping them for their own twisted wants;plagued with thoughts of pure wretchedness to taint the pure.

Calum Thomas Hood was an innocent boy who dwelled among the flowers and the rest of those who lived in harmony of peace and purity. He had lived in the garden his entire life, brought into the world of wholesomeness by means of his parents that were the few that had lived through horrible pasts to get to the garden.

He never knew of the dreadful world that laid outside of the garden, beautifully oblivious to any evil and that's probably where Joy and David had gone wrong with their baby boy, letting him believe that all was good in the world, not preparing him for the harsh reality of what surrounded the garden and glared into its pureness.

They never told of him of the monsters among men, the disgusted beauty's, such as Ashton Irwin;a vile creature that had his eyes on Calum the moment he saw the boy with his fluttering, white wings and glowing halo over his messy, brown curls. He was a success story in the eyes of the demented, impure, and grim, a nightmarish dream of sorts.

Ashton has gotten his hands on the pure before, slipped into the garden and stole one of the clean, dirtying the stolen in the worst way possible. His empire was built off the market of being able to soil such shinning innocence and Ashton relished in those facts that the world around him knew.

He had his ways into the protected garden, the small crack in the powerful protection that he chipped away at every time he wanted to take another from the clean. Michael Clifford was Ashton's crack, the peel of the paint on the perfect and priceless picture.

Michael Clifford was a disguised help, a mask on his face that portrayed that the world didn't need grace, not even those that were there for protection. He was a lair, a cheater, and a weak excuse of a man, someone who found their way to help but only destroyed. He had a past, one like Joy and David's, and, at first, he was allowed to roam the garden.

He did along with Calum, using their time as children to feed off of Calum's innocence and stayed confused as to why he was the only one who left in and out of the garden, unlike his best friend. He soon was greeted with a ghastly truth, eyes wiped of the beauty filter to see the ugly reality.

He swore to protect others like him, keep those like Calum in safety, but he was broken and he gave his pieces to the wrong person. He became distorted, the man he once was still there but mixing with the new man he was forced and manipulated into becoming and Michael made a grave mistake.

He let Ashton into the garden, broke his promise of protection and safety to keep himself saved from something that had already begun to fester in his heart and kill him. He gave the innocent to Ashton without hesitation, passing the pure to the evil with no concern for the soon to be killed pureness.

Michael was no less of a monster than Ashton, carrying out the will and want of a disgusting person made him the same.

So, when Ashton came up to him in the dead of the night, pressing about the price Michael had to pay to him. Michael left the border of the garden and walked inside past all the sleeping innocent boys and girls to the middle of it all. He crouched down and woke the pure boy up from his sleep, grabbing his hand and taking him to the borderline that separated the two worlds from clashing.

He numbed himself when he saw the devilish smirk crawl across Ashton's features when he saw Calum coming to the edge.

And, Michael gave, yet another, pure and innocent boy into the hands of the impure and sinful monster without a emotion flowing through his body as he watched the pastel angel walk alongside a grunge devil.


Um, I forgot to add an AN but I'm doing it now, so...

Thank you for reading. I wanted to dedicate this chapter to flawless_violence (i swear all I do is bother her with my dedications, 😂) but one of her books, Devilish I think, spoke of a garden like this and it really inspired me to publish this from beforehand because I was scared no one would get the mental picture and all.

And, that's all. Au revoir....

Edicius {5SOS;CASHTON&CAKE&MALUM}✔️Where stories live. Discover now