Nine: "I'll Break Your Halo."

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Calum had learned to live without his wings, had become used to not having the white wings against his tan skin and learned that Luke didn't care about the words on his back

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Calum had learned to live without his wings, had become used to not having the white wings against his tan skin and learned that Luke didn't care about the words on his back. He wasn't a slut, the carvings in his back wouldn't change his mind.

Nikira has covered over them in gauzes, Calum having become more comfortable around the estate to not have to constantly try and cover them up. No one brought them up, neither the words or the other bruises and markings across his skin from the times he walked around without a shirt on or in short sleeves.

Luke made sure everyone knew to keep their mouths shut, no matter what they thought or wanted to say in the situation. Either they kept quiet or Luke forced them to. Not that anyone did speak out, they knew more than enough about Ashton and Calum's situation to, at least, be able to fake an expression and nod.

The week in Luke's estate was enough for Calum's halo to catch back onto its light and shine brightly over the broken boy, who beamed around Luke and those who lived in the estate. He still avoided Michael, the other man doing the same to keep the distance between his sin that lauded over the messy brown curls atop Calum's head.

The week with Luke was just as pure and perfect as dancing through the garden and the other pure boys and girls in the garden would swear they saw the faintest outline of the dancing brunet that had been taken from their midst in the night.

But the moment Calum had word of packing up, all his darkness had flooded his mind and heart, the outline that the boys and girls watched having evaporated into a small cloud of black despair. He moved slowly, acting as if that would prolong his time here instead of going home with Ashton.

He was scared- No, he was petrified of returning home with Ashton. Who knows about what Ashton had thought up about Luke and Calum? Every time he left, he somehow came back with even more contempt against Calum and more plaguing thoughts of the kiwi boy cheating on him.

Calum would never do that to his boyfriend, but Ashton never believed him when he assured those facts to the man. He took out his anger, the whole week of his building and simmering rage onto Calum's healing body.

He jumped when the door of the room Luke had given him opened, watching the cerulean eyed man for a second. He nodded when Luke told him Ashton was here to pick him up, grabbing his bag and sulking out after the tall blond. He pulled on his smile for Ashton as he walked outside, not getting the same sweet gesture back but he didn't expect one. He passed his bag to George, looking up at Luke when the man said his name.

"Remember that you can call for anything, Calum. If you need me to pick you up, I will."

"I know but I'll be okay. Ashton told me he was sorry, remember? It was just a one time thing." He covered, giving Luke a smile before he got into the car with his boyfriend.

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