Six: "It's All Your Fault."

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Calum couldn't even look Michael in the eye as he sat before the man, not wanting to meet his eyes because it brought back just as many bad memories as sitting in the bad boy room did

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Calum couldn't even look Michael in the eye as he sat before the man, not wanting to meet his eyes because it brought back just as many bad memories as sitting in the bad boy room did. Michael was the one that clipped his wings, preventing him from flying and he did let him do it, thinking his best friend was only looking out for him but soon found out it was Michael's way of pushing him into hell easier.

His halo had become dim in his time with Ashton, Michael obviously seeing the fact of the faded brown irises that stared at the table. His wings were becoming heavy on his back, pushing the weight of Ashton's sins onto his shoulders, instead of glittering and fluttering like they used to.

What had Michael done to him? What had Ashton done to him?

Michael wasn't an idiot. It was evident in the times he went around Ashton's house or even around the boy himself. Calum was stuck in long sleeves, face covered in makeup in attempt to look normal, submissive and fearful looks and words as he hovered around Ashton. He trembled, his lips and hands always making his words stutter together and his touch on everything shaky.

Michael has done this to someone he claimed to be his best friend, then had the audacity to live his life like he hadn't placed an angel into the hands of the devil to save his own ass. He continued on with his "protection" of the garden but he never forgot the stained Maori boy. He thought of Calum everyday, the angel and his wings and his halo haunted Michael in vivid depictions of his worst nightmares.

He stared at Calum and all he saw was his grave mistakes and stupid decisions. He saw a pure angel trying to crawl his way out of hell, wings trying to shake off his bloodshed and halo trying to shine bright enough for someone to see and save him.

Michael stared at him as he crawled up, stared as Ashton gripped his ankle and dragged him back down, stared until he turned on his heels to push someone else into the depths of Ashton's hell.

It was Michael's fault that Calum was trapped in his own personal hell and Michael was too pathetic of a creature to help him.

Luke, on the other hand, wasn't really an angel but he was in Calum's eyes. The blond that had only lost his wings but still let his own angelic qualities shine through. He claimed the silver band in his finger was his halo, the small and plain looking ring was something he cherished because of Calum.

He was an angel hidden in the depths of the darkness of the world around him, Calum never let him forget that but Luke only wished that Calum could also see his wings still worked enough to get him away from Ashton. He hated the man he worked under and he would've switched sides long ago but he couldn't bare to leave Calum alone to the clutches of Ashton.

Calum was broken enough and him suddenly disappearing wouldn't help the olive skinned boy in any way. He cared about Calum more than he let on because Calum couldn't even deal with his own emotions, let alone Luke's, so he stayed quiet and within his boundaries that he had learned.

He knew Calum thought he didn't notice a lot of things but Luke did. He noticed the day after he stepped in to block Ashton's anger from Calum's frail body, the limp and the welt across his face. He noticed every little and big thing about Calum, which meant he noticed the shifts in his faux personalities around Michael whenever the man came around.

He leaned up on the table with his forearms, Calum looking over at him as he ordered Michael from his seat and sat in front of Calum instead of slanted. Calum smiled gently for a second at Luke, feeling the blond hook his ankle around Calum's in an odd but genuine show of affection before he pulled back.

"Do you want something to eat, Cal?" He motioned at the blank place before him when the boy looked at him in confusion.

Calum shook his head before looking up at the double doors that lead to the back, watching Ashton come through. He straightened up, laying his hands into his lap as he looked back down and chewed at the inside of his cheek. He got up quickly when Ashton said his name, flashing a goodbye smile to Luke as he grabbed his jacket, then rushed out behind Ashton.

Luke turned to Michael, the pale skinned man looking at him with wide green eyes when he gripped the collar of shirt and pulled him closer.

"What the fuck is going on between you and Calum?" He hissed, making Michael scoff.

"Nothing, I haven't seen him in months. We used to be friends but we're not anymore." He brushed over quickly, going to stand but Luke yanked him back down.

"I feel like you think I'm an idiot, Michael." He kissed are his teeth, "Now, either you tell me what you did or I pull your nails off."

Michael curled his toes in his boots, balling his fists up as if that would protect the sensitive places from Luke if the man moved to get his pliers. He chewed at his lip, rolling around the ball on his tongue before knocking it against his teeth.

He sighed, sitting back in the chair besides Luke. He ran his hands down his face roughly, Luke rolling his eyes at the his antics but waiting for Michael to speak up. The only reason he didn't ask Calum was because it'd only make the brunet cut himself off from speaking to Luke for pressuring him. Luke would beat around the bush first then ease his way to Calum.

He'd heard stories around the gang about what happened between Michael and Calum, the rumors of what Michael had done or what Calum had done that caused his situations but he wanted to go directly to one of the two sources.

"You know, Ashton calls me the coupe-aile? Well, there's a reason why and Calum's one of them. So is all the other hundreds of girls and boys that either work alongside us or with Ashton."

"You're poison," Luke said it mostly to himself, Michael furrowing his eyebrows at his muttered words, "Calum calls you poison because of your eyes and because you poisoned his life. You clipped his wings and gave him to Ashton."

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me, Hemmings. I know." Michael scoffed, picking up his glass and holding it to his lips.

Luke's features darkened into his insanity, the demon Calum never saw in him crowding his face as he smashed the glass into Michael's face using the man's own hand and grabbed his jacket off the back of his seat. He ignored Michael's pain, shrugging on his jacket and running a hand through his messy curls of dirty blond.

Luke was an angel, but only for calum when the Maori boy was around. Outside of that Luke showed his reason of not being able to set foot into the garden anymore, not even to protect it. He couldn't control himself when he saw those hovering around the border, so he became one of those vicious creatures to protect the victims.

Luke was an angel to some for what he wanted to be known for, a protector of pure, but he was a demon for what he had done to keep those pure clean.


Luke is easily my favorite character in this book and I thoroughly enjoyed being able to smash a glass in Michael's face durning this chapter.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. What do you think of Ashton's "bad boy" room for Calum?

And, that's all. Au revoir....

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