Eight: "I Got Demon Eyes."

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Luke was Calum's angel, but everyone else knew he was only a kind demon

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Luke was Calum's angel, but everyone else knew he was only a kind demon. His eyes gave off his personality shifts, the moments that turned light and dark let people know who they were dealing with at the time.

He cracked his knuckles after slipping on his brass knuckles, looking over his shoulder at where the door to his office opened. His lips curled into a slight smirk at the sight of Michael trailing behind Harry, the lighter blond's face still covered in cuts from where Luke smashed the glass in his face.

He hated Michael and seeing the man in pain because of him was nearly euphoric to Luke. He wished he could've really broken Michael, that he could've taken that fake halo from over his head and wrapped it around his neck until he passed out.

He wanted to cut Michael's wings from his back and give them to Calum to make up for all the torture he had been out through because of Michael in the first place. Maybe with his new wings, he'd finally break free and get away from the hell he lived in now.

"What? I'm in the middle of something." He motioned to the bloodied man on the floor, who was still clinging to the hope that they would save him from Luke for the time being.

"Calum's here. Ashton's expecting him to stay in the estate for a few days because he doesn't trust him." Harry explained, scratching at the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I know that. He called me about it yesterday, Harry." He rolled his eyes as he put one hand on his hip.

"Ashton did something to Calum and I just wanted to tell you that-"

Luke dropped his brass knuckles into the floor, barking out an order at the redhead on the floor, who cowered and didn't move an inch out of where Luke had first dropped him to. The blond pushed past Michael and Harry, going down the steps of the mansion in a haste to see what the fuck Harry was going on about.

His jaw clenched on instinct when he saw Ashton, the older man talking down at Calum as the brunet nodded submissively with his arms crossed over his chest. Luke hated how small Calum looked cowering in front of Ashton, how much more defenseless he looked like since the last time Luke had saw him.

He finished down the rest of them, clearing his throat and causing Ashton to turn around and look at him. Calum's eyes widened when he saw Luke, more so fear then the usual shimmer of light in those weary brown eyes. Luke turned his attention to Ashton, not providing an actual answer to the man outside of an occasional hum or a dismissive nod.

A maid and a butler began to come into the area surrounding them, probably sent by Harry from Luke's command of whenever Calum came over. When the Maori boy lived in Luke's estate, he was top priority, everyone knew that. He didn't have to clean, cook, even get dressed and out of bed for that matter.

Nikira and George waited on him hand and foot for whatever time he spent here, whether it was for an hour or for a week like now. Calum had only stayed for a day or so at most before, Ashton always making the move because he would begin to think Calum would cheat with Luke.

Luke knew it was just his own fears of being treated like he did to Calum, that because he ran around and cheated while Calum stayed home and patiently waited for his boyfriend to return, he reflected his insecurities onto Calum. Ashton was always projecting his own sins onto Calum, whether it be cheating or any small mistakes, Calum got the third degree of it to make sure he stayed down.

Not that it took much for Calum to bow from the power. He was always on his knees, ready to submit but Ashton did the extra mile and made sure he never even tried to have thoughts of disobedience. Luke wished Calum knew he had a thought of pushing back against Ashton, the one day he'd live off of one of those thoughts and give Ashton half of the shit he got into him.

Calum wouldn't do that though. Luke knew that because Calum was an angel, even with his broken features and murdered spirit. He was too kind and pure to think of a bad thought against someone that wasn't himself.

He stayed back when Ashton went up to Calum, biting his tongue to keep quiet when he saw the way Ashton dragged Calum towards the door to give his last, most likely rude words, for the week. Calum nodded, stepping back with a tremble of his shoulders, like he was crying on the inside.

Ashton was gone, Nikira closing the door behind him, and Luke was by him in an instant, furrowing his eyebrows when Calum hit his hands away from him and shook his head. He sent Nikira and George out of the hallway, both scurrying away quickly as Luke grabbed Calum's hand and took him into one of the side rooms.

His eyes went light, trying to appear brighter and softer for Calum to relax. It seemed to work, Calum sighing as he wiped his face off as if he had tears but the tears hit only after he had wiped his face. He covered his mouth, trying to curl away from Luke but the blond had already moved closer and hugged him.

He whimpered in pain, pushing Luke back as he shook his head, "D-Don't, please. It...It hurts."

"What hurts? Your back?" He questioned cautiously, Calum nodding slowly as his face cleared up from his pain, "Can you turn around and let me see?"

"N-No, you...you can't see it." Hiccups cut him off a few times, Calum tightening his jacket around his shoulders, "You'll be-be mad at m-me."

"No, of course I wouldn't. Just let me see, so I can help, Cal."

The boy still seemed scared, whatever insecurity that laid in the back of his mind evident on his features. He nodded, having convinced himself to show Luke what he was hiding behind his jacket. He turned around, looking at the floor as he let Luke pull his jacket off, back muscles flexing and relaxing.

"I-I'm sorry. He just...he said it's what sluts deserve. I'm not a slut, Luke. I-I swear, I've only-"

"Calum, you don't have to explain anything to me. It's okay. I mean, it's not but this isn't your fault." He covered the boy's back again, Calum turning to face him.

He was gentle when he wrapped his arms around Calum, the Maori boy pressing his face into Luke's chest as he cried.

Sky blue turned into the depths of the ocean, pure rage flowing off his body in thick waves of heat. His angel had lost his wings-No, his wings had been cut from his soul and stripped away. All Calum had was his halo, the dim ring of light beginning to flicker as it tried to push past all the darkness that bled into Calum's mind.

Luke wished he had wings again, that he could steal them from someone he deserved to stay in hell forever, that he could cut them out of Michael's back and give them to Calum, so his angel could get away from the devil and demons, even if that meant getting away from him as well.


I really love making Luke all soft for Calum because he really flipping needs it and it makes me feel better for putting him in such a shitty situation.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Thoughts on how Luke changes for Calum to keep him centered? How he only cares about Calum? Just the Cake relationship as a whole?

And, that's all. Au revoir....

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