Chapter Thirty

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Jenna looked between her friend and her English teacher. She no longer found there failing attempts to hide their affection cute. Each time she saw them smile at each other, every time Hayley held her hand on Tays shoulder just a little to long, it hurt.

Neither of them seemed to notice her discomfort though because they didn't stop.

When the bell rang for lunch Jenna shot up out of her seat and headed straight for the lunchroom with Tay at her heels, yelling for her to slow down. When she sat in her seat, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Jen, what the hell? Why were you in such a hurry?"

Jenna looked towards Tay who took a seat next to her a few moments later.

"Oh. Uhmm..." She struggled with her words. She didn't have a reasonable explanation as to why she did it. She didn't want her to know it was because of Hayley.

Tay wasn't dumb though, and after Jenna reaction she pieced it together. She smirked.

"Aww, you were jealous? Don't be Jen. No one can replace you." Tay said while pushing Jenna lightly.

"Ooo, Jenny's jealous? Of who? Who hit on you Tay?" Matt said, joining then at the table with his tray of food.

Jenna blushed bright red. "I am not jealous."

Matt laughed. "Yeah right. We all know you still love her." He said motioning to Tay.

"Whoa" Jordan said as he approached. "Jenna loves Tay? What happened to Cassadee?"

"Yeah. What happened to Cassadee?" Said another female voice. They all looked to see Cassadee standing there.

Jenna stood up. "Cass-" but she was cut off

"I came over to talk about what had happened." Her eyes flashed over to Tay for a moment. "But I guess we don't need to. Have fun loving someone who will never love you back."

With that, she turned to leave but Jenna raced after her. Tay bit her lip and turned to the guys. Whak and Mike had both just arrived.

"I didn't mean it like that. I was just kidding." Jordan said and Tay nodded. "I know. It's not your fault. It's complicated."

"What happened?" Whak asked. Tay sighed and began to inform them about what had happened between Jenna and Cassadee and Jenna's feelings.

"Wow." They all said after she was done. "So, Jenna really does love you?" Mike asked and Tay nodded.


Jenna walked back up to the table, her arms hugging herself and her head hung low. She took her seat silently. Everyone looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to tell what had happened.

"We broke up." She said after a few moments. Immediately, Tays hand attached itself to hers. It was comforting, but it also hurt, so she pulled away.

"Don't." She said and Tay recoiled. Shocked and hurt by her reaction.

"Fine." She said before standing and leaving.

Jenna groaned and slammed her head down against the table. "What the fuck is wrong with me?"

The boys all looked at each other, silently deciding who would be the one to comfort her. Whak stepped up to the plate.

He sat next to her and rubbed circles on her back. "Nothing's wrong with you Jen. I mean, who wouldn't want you? Tay and Cassadee, they're both stupid for giving you up."

Jenna lifted her head and looked at her friend. He was a good guy. A bit of a weirdo and a nerd, but still good. Jenna smiled at him. "Thank you Whak."

"And hey," he said, "if you really love Tay, fight for her. It's not like she's with anyone. No ones seen that mystery girl since Halloween."

Jenna laughed remembering Hayley dressed as tuxedo mask. "Trust me, mystery girl is still in the picture and I can't win against her either. They love each other."

"I still think you have the better chance." He said and all the others agreed.

"Yeah. You and Tay were meant to be."

"Soul mates for life."

"Everyone ships you guys."

Jenna laughed but shook her head. "Maybe one day in the future but for now," she said, "we're just friends."

A/N: I can't believe I went a whole week without updating. I'm so sorry. I don't even have a good reason, this chapter has been written for awhile. If I don't update after the third day, feel free to message me and light a fire under my ass. It would really help actually.

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