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There was a happy rhythm to life. When the sun rose, we worked. When midday came we rested. When the sun set, we made love and slept. We lived as most of those around us, tending our garden, spending time with our friends, helping those that needed it. As the days turn colder Inuyasha spent more and more time away from home. The garden had faded to not, but cold weather plants and did not need as much tending. I was fine on my own and was happy with our lives.
I was spending more time with Rin. She had shot up over this past year and it was close to her thirteenth birthday. Sesshomaru always made a point to come see her, though he never stayed long. Rin, who was normally very loquacious, seemed thoughtful and subdued.
"Is something on your mind today?" I questioned with caution.
"I was just thinking lady Kagome."
I waited for her to continue as we walked toward the lake. I was getting water and she liked to go with me. When we arived, I averted my eyes from the rock where InuYasha had set me. I could feel heat in my cheeks.
"Why do your cheeks flush everytime we come here?" She asked me so innocently.
"That rock over there is a place where InuYasha and I share a special moment. But that was back before we were married."
"Did he dishonor you?"
I was a bit shaken by the question. "No, he wouldn't."
"I think that's why my Lord avoids me."
So that's what was on her mind. "Rin, I'm sure that his reasons are in both of your best interests. Sesshomaru is very stalwart and would never defy his high principles." I was trying to comfort her, but she waxed and waned. One moment she was calm and sensible and the next moment she could be highly emotional. I tried to remember that age and felt kinship with her.
"When do you think he will take me back with him?" Her tone felt fragile.
"I don't know Rin. What are your plans if he chooses not to?" I spoke softly, but her chin began to quiver.
She shook her head. "He will come for me, he will I know it!"
Her words wanted conviction, but lacked and her chest heaved up and down as she tried to stop the sobs from coming.
"And if he does? Rin are you really ready to become wife to the western lord? Chalentine over his lands and affairs?"
She sadly shook her head no. Suddenly her head shot up. "Oh lady Kagome, you are right! I have been so silly and selfish! I must study more and learn all I can before I can be of use to him!" She kissed me on the cheek before darting off back in the direction of the village. Then remembering herself she slowed her pace and smoothed her kimono. She elegantly tilted her chin up slightly and walked forward, determined to appear ladylike.
I smiled and gathered up my water buckets. I followed behind her until the turn home. She went to Kaedes as I went farther to the left, home.
I dropped my load outside the door flap with a groan and went in. InuYasha was standing by the hearth and Miroku and Sango were seated around our dining platform. I was immediately suspicious.
Before I could utter a word, InuYasha took my hand and went back outside, Sango and Miroku followed. "We going for a walk?" I asked, cutting my eyes at him and then to the pair behind me, who were grinning like idiots.
"Not really." He said in a flat tone.
I was so confused. We walked past the gardens and into the trees at the edge of the village. We were shrouded in shadow as the canopy closed out the sun overhead, until we broke into a small medow. I gasped.
Nestled in the verdant medow and cradled on one side by a hill, was a cottage. InuYasha had obviously paid more attention to modern design of my time than I thought. No wonder he had been disappearing so much!
I turned and threw my arms around his neck, kissing him. I forgot for a moment that we had an audience. He gently pushed me back and turning me, wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I take it that you like it then?" He said playfully.
"It's wonderful! I had no idea that you had an interest in building."
"Well that's where you need to thank Miroku."
"What?" I said, turning in my hanyos embrace to look in amazement at the monk.
"Well no." Miroku said, "I just tried to adapt our building style now, with what InuYasha told me about the structures of your time. Of course we don't have the technology to make tree trunks of metal yet, but we did what we could."
It took me a moment to figure out what tree trunks of metal referred to. "Oh that day that the mask... and the building under construction... oh you clever Inu! You constantly surprise me."
I walked over to my friends and hugged them both before the four of us went into my new home.

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