I love you ya know

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"Hmmm?" He manages between noisy swallows.
"Do you want your own sleeping mat?"
His eyes cut up to me. "Keh! Nah I can sleep just fine on the floor.
" Oh."
"I don't need comforts like that." He realized his tone had been a little harsh. "But thanks for thinking of me."
I smile and nod, impressed that he's trying. After he's done I take the bowls to the lake. I hadn't brought much water to the hut to wash in and it was bad after their hare had been cleaned.
"Why don't you leave that till in the morning." He chided." I don't like the thought of being down here in the dark."
"No. The food will dry and be impossible to get off the bowls, the water needs to be cleaned out and replaced anyway and I need to find a tree." I hop up and dart behind a tree to relieve myself. Washing dishes has always made me have to pee.
By the time I was done he had the bucket washed out and filled. I finished up the dishes and we walked back to the hut. I put everything away and stretched out on my mat, watching him. He was leaning against the wall as I had seen him do a hundred times before. No longer were the worries of vengence and loss etched across his face. He appeared so peaceful, almost younger. Feeling my eyes on him he open his and looked at me.
" I'm cold."
He reached over to a small pile of lumber and leaning over me placed a few little logs in the fire pit.
"Thank you, but that's not what I meant." I said sheepishly.
His eyes widen when he caught my meaning. I pulled the cover away, and let my eyes linger on his. He lost whatever inner battle he was arguing with himself and lay down behind me. I threw the cover over both of us. I was hyper aware of his movements as he shifted, trying to figure out exactly how to lay. I snickered lightly as I reached back, finding his hand, I pulled it over me and tucked my back against his chest. I felt him stiffen for just a moment then relax. He buried his nose in my hair and pulled me tight to his body. I sighed, enjoying his heat and letting my mind drift away.
Sometime in the early hours, he shifted in his sleep, as did I. My head was on his shoulder and arm, and my hand was on his chest, my leg over his leg. I couldn't get much closer. He snored softly as I gently woke up. I had been so comfortable, but now i was cross, trying to determine what had woken me. My back was cold because the fire was now just gently smoldering coals. I got up and added wood, shifting it some so it would catch, and when I was satisfied, I turned with the intention of laying back down. In the glittering firelight I saw his eyes watching me, both ears at full attention, fixed on me. I sat next to him, leaned over him and softly kissed his mouth. He returned the kiss then pulled me down to lay next to him. I obliged, stretching out into the position that I was in before and sighed deeply closing my eyes.
"I do love you ya know."
"I love you InuYasha."
"Heh! Your hearts beating faster little girl."
I giggle, moving my hand over his heart. "Yours is also my beloved."
His arm squeezes me a little before relaxing back to the mat. As soon as my back warmed up I dozed off. When I wake to the cock crow, Inuyasha is not beside me. I reach out in a panic before opening my eyes and instinctively call out his name. But I should have known he wouldn't be there. He gets restless right before the sun comes up and did whatever it is that he did. I calmed myself before heading out to start my morning. I took a quick respite behind a shrub. I just could not get used to not having a bathroom no matter how long I lived here. Back in the hut, I hung the pot back over the fire to warm it and added more wood. The last that I had in the house in fact, so I suppose that that would be first on my list of chores. The day warmed quickly and it looked as though it might rain later. I went out to our garden, which was ever-expanding, and gathered some food stuff and a few herbs that Kaede had mentioned needing. After storing the food, I went to see her.

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