As If By Magic

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Moments dragged as my words hung in the air unanswered. Sango looked confused and concerned as she rubbed the small bundle again. Kaede tied off and cut the cord which allowed Sango to move forward to the light. There was a crease between her furrowed brows as she passed me.
InuYasha helped me back onto the chair to wait for the placenta to pass and allow my legs a respite. He looked at Sango. His mouth fell open a little, then his chin started to quiver. Sango moved back to me and laied the still bundle in my arms.
I unwrapped her carefully and laied our baby girl on my chest. She had soft silvery hair and tiny little folded up ears that so looked like her daddies. But she wasn't moving and her skin was ashen.
"Izzy..." My chin shook as I rubbed her back. "Izzy please."
InuYasha stood beside me, uncertainty played havoc with his features. I took his hand and placed it on her back. He made an agonized sound and, as if by magic, she stirred. Her grey skin turned pink as she drew a breath... and screamed out loud.
I didn't know I was holding my breath, but I gasped, panting in relief. I held her to me, his hand still on her. Her tiny body shook as I sobbed... and suddenly I felt drained.
"Kaede." I said weakly.
She came to my side and down between my legs. "Bear down a some if ye can, the after birth must come away now. Ye are bleeding a little much."
Sango took Izayoi and bundling her back up, handed her carefully to InuYasha. She looked so tiny in his unsure arms. He was complete, holding his child. He spoke inaudible words, like they already had a language all their own. The baby quieted, staring transfixed at him.
The room seemed to grow darker. There was a sharp pain below causing me to cry out and push against it. I felt a rush, then relief, then nothing as the world went black.

I awoke in bed, deep in the downy warmth that I relished. I had, what felt like a diaper, around and between my legs. As soon as I moved, I understood why. My hand went to my stomach, which was now empty and I sat upright.
He rushed into the room, arms empty.
"Where's the baby?" Panic laced my voice. When he smiled softly, I calmed. He moved past the bed and hovered over something next to it, lifting Izayoi and handing her to me. I held my arms out eagerly, and the moment she touched my chest, she awoke angrily, nuzzling around. I looked at my husband. "I think she's hungry." He nodded.
I untied the front of my nightgown, freeing my heavy breasts and positioning her, we watched as she latched easily. It wasn't comfortable at first, but when she settled, I did as well.
After a few moments, she started making soft little snoring sounds. "That's the sound of contentment if I've ever heard it." I said amused. "You make that purring noise when you are happy too."
InuYasha blushed, but smiled. He reached out and gently stroked her head. "I can't believe she's here.. you're both here. My girls."
Izzy stirred, wiggling and started to whine. I moved her to the other side, and when she lached on, she settled again, suckling hungrily.
I had never felt so complete as I looked from one love, to another. Yet there was a touch of sadness for my mother was not here to see her grandchild. Sota was an uncle now. Grampa... The emotions welled up, threatening to spill. I wondered if InuYasha felt the same. His mother and father could be here now no more than my own. There was another wave of sorrow that hit me. He must have seen my face twisting all up, cause he layed beside me, draping his arm over my hips and looking up at us with a happy but concerned gaze.
"You ok?"
"Just thinking about people who aren't here." I sniffed.
He nodded, eyes going distant for a moment. "Thankyou."
"For what?" I asked.
His voice choked slightly when he answered, "...her name."
I nodded, wrapping my free arm around him. After a while I felt his frame relax and his breathing even out.
As I lay in the growing dark I thought of all I had been blessed with. The baby stirred a little and I switched her to the other side. Once she was settled in I began to doze lightly.

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