Hell Cat

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We dressed for the day and set about our morning work. Inuyasha didn't have a green thumb by any means, but he could rip out weeds. I took my full basket to the hut, then walked over to Kaedes.
"Ye look distressed child."
"I am a little Kaede. I will get right to it... can InuYasha and I have a hanyo child if he is in human form?"
"My! Quick girl. No, ye can not, but nor will ye conceive at all."
"What?" I asked trembling all of the sudden, my knees weak. "What do you mean?"
Kaede shook her head solemnly. "I can not sit here and tell ye that it has never happened before, but I have never heard of it happening. If he is to impregnate ye, it will have to be after your cycles sync up, which can take several months, and that will likely be at the full moon, not the new."
"Do you think he knows?" I am shocked and saddened, but there is another feeling brimming in the background. Anger.
"I can not answer. There is much he knows and yet very much he remains ignorant of. It would be best for ye to gently question him. Kagome, why the sadness?"
"Well, we were...ah...together this morning, after dawn, and I was hoping... maybe..."
"For a child? Why the rush?"
"I wish I knew. I am filled with such confused thoughts."
"Ye have only just wed. If it is meant to happen, it will. Ye are bound through more than marriage. Surely you feel that. When a child comes, I will help ye."
"But he's afraid."
"Losing me in child birth."
"The only way that could happen is if ye are unattended. If I can not be there.... so I will train Sango to help ye."
I felt some relief leaving Kaede. I turned my face up to the warm sun. The sunshine was so different in this time. It warmed without burning and it was usually comfortable to be outside, even in warmer weather. But it was turning cooler, so I took in the warmth while able.
I looked at InuYasha. He was sitting on his haunches, still pulling weeds. He must have had a fly aggravating him, because he would stop and flap his arms around before wiping his brow, flicking his ears and going back to work. He rose and stripped off his upper robes, tossing them out of the garden, before squatting back down.
I almost swooned, I couldn't get enough of the site of him. The sun was now too hot, my robe sticking to me. My heart fluttered slightly and my stomach got tight. As if I had called out to him he stood and turned to me.
Our eyes locked for a moment. I could sense he felt the same as I did, but it irritated him. "Damnit! I ain't doing all this by myself while you day dream!" He yelled out.
My revere broken, I walked over to where he was with my now empty basket. "I took some things to Kaede."
"Well..." but he couldn't argue with me. I didn't fight back. I think he missed it.
I took my place at the row I had been in and turning my back to him, tenderly checked and weeded each little plant. "I think we should put out more bone meal here." I said turning to him...but he was gone. He hadn't taken his robes.
I finished what I had planned to, and sprinkled a little bone meal around a few herbs that didn't look well. I went inside and chopped a few veggies tossing them in the pot. When they were close to done I added some noodles. They were actually simple to make with practice. Mine weren't great, but I had time.
When the sun started to slip away, he came in, either drawn by an empty stomach or want of sleep. I refused to be the first to speak. After twenty minutes of painful silence he finally spoke. "Smells good."
"Where were you?"
"That's all you have to say?"
"I don't want to fight..."
'I do damn it!' He thought.
"Noodles..." he stated in a flat tone.
"I'm trying." Was the soft reply.
Finally came the snap. "DON'T EAT IT IF YOU DON'T WANT IT!"
He sprang on top of me before I said want it.
"Yes! Yell at me. I want my hell cat back!"
"I... I. .. what?"
"I hate when you are sad and moppy. I hate it when you cow down to me. What's going on in there?" He tapped my temple with a clawed finger.
It spilled out in one long word, I couldn't keep it in. "Did you know that you can't get me pregnant in human form?"
"Oh... I mean I heard that but I have also heard of children born from the union, when hanyo are more emotional in human form... Is that what your problem is? You have pups on the brain?"
"Mostly, yes...no, I don't know. I just want to be a good wife to you."
"You idiot, I didn't marry you to make you a good wife, if I wanted someone to be my subject, I would order Mioga to stay around." He paused, searching my eyes. "I want you Kagome. You fight and fire. Your damn temper. I need someone to stand up to me and tell me I'm wrong!"
When my eyes flooded with tears, his ears pinned back in disappointment. I cupped his cheek and turned his face back to mine. "I miss our fights." I say. "I just didn't want to push you away."
His ears slowly turned back to face me as his expression softened. I reached up and swirled my thumbs on them, massaging a deep purr from him.
"And I do want your puppies you sexy beast."
When he frowned and started to object, I kissed him hard only braking the kiss when he was panting.
"And you aren't going to object."
He rose up off me, then squatted and I climbed on his back. He sprinted happily towards the lake.

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