The Passage of Time

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Time can pass fast or slow for mortals, no matter what era you live in and apparently hanyo are subject to the same rules. But soon enough the day arrived when InuYasha paced outside our bedroom door.
So much had happened these few months. Rin had left to live with Sesshomaru. Keade had broken her ankle and was the worst invalid in the history of mankind. The twins were easier to tell apart now that miss rambunctious had fallen out of a tree and split her eyebrow.
I heard InuYasha pass the door again. "Aaaahhh, Sango will you please tell him to pace outside!"
She nodded and after a few moments, came back into the room flustered. "He's sitting down. Not sure how long that will last."
Funny how we measure time. We can relate it in the passage of moments or events. Sometimes we measure it by ticks, or drips of a faucet, even music is measured with beats. My life was currently being timed by contractions.
And two of them passed before he was on his feet again. Sango placed the cool rag back on my head and was getting up to go talk to him again, when we heard Miroku come in the house. He coaxed InuYasha out of the house, much to my relief, and we heard the door close again. I breathed a sigh.
Kaedes hand touched me below, as though taking a measurement. "Won't be much longer now. Ye are progressing wonderfully Kagome."
I nodded through a deep breath and wondered about life in a modern hospital. Not the amenities, but what it would be like to have him here at my side. I didn't think he could handle it, even if it was allowed, but I wanted him more and more as the time got closer.
Another sharp pain in my back and my abdomen crunched up. I could feel the baby shift slightly and put my hand on my swollen belly. After it passed, I talked to it. "It's ok baby, we're ok. You will be here soon." It was nonsense, but it kept me sane.
I know that Sango and Kaede were there with me, but I felt alone. Could have just been the hormones, cause I started to cry.
"Kagome, was it that painful?" Sango asked.
I shook my head, "No."
Kaede mearly smiled and placed another heated rag below.
Another contraction seized me. They were coming much faster now and I began to sob in earnest.
Sango looked to Kaede, concern obvious. "What would help ye Kagome?"
"I want INUYASHA!" I screamed louder than I had intended as the contraction peaked. Before I could relax and open my eyes, he busted through the door and rushed to me.
Kaede started to protest, instead, donning a sour face and pulling my gown lower. She knew that protest would be in vain. Sango moved to my other side, taking her bowl with her.
"You're here!" I breathed. "Stay please."
"I'm not going anywhere." He replied, grasping my hand, and I believed him, right up until I squeezed it and cried out again. When I looked at him, he was pale.
"I'm ok InuYasha, really."
"I was thinking about mom."
"How could you not? I'm not alone. I felt like a was, but that was fear. And you're here now. I have my strength, my courage," I looked at Sango. "And my stability." I nodded toward Kaede.
I felt Kaede remove the towel and make a sound of approval. "With the next pain, ye push with all the might you posses."
I looked down at her, then at InuYasha, tears brimming again. It was time. I took a breath to steady myself and kissed his hand. When I felt the next pain, I tucked my chin down and pushed.
"Oh my, this child wants to come quickly. Come from the chair and squat here, over the straw." I had been confused enough by the chair, but I didn't question her. Kaede had brought many children into the world. InuYasha helped me into position. He moved behind me and I rested against him.
When the next pain hit, it was intense but not as painful in my belly. The pain was below as the head of the baby came forward. I felt a small rush of fluid.
"Hold there a moment Kagome." Kaedes hands were fast and I felt a little burning as she turned the baby slightly. "Ok Kagome, let the baby fall naturally, push now. Push, that's it." I focused on her words, the feel of his hands in mine, holding me steady, and the sensation of the baby suddenly coming free in a rush. Sango helped Kaede to sit and took the baby up into a towel, rubbing it gingerly.
"What is it?" I asked. "Please! Is it a boy or a girl?"
My question was met by a tense silence.

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