Fears in the Dark

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By the time we got to the lake it was dark, the water not warm enough for more than a quick rinse off. He wiped the dirt from my face and the backs of my arms. I dressed and shivered. We held each other and kissed on the shore. I was thankful for his slightly higher body temperature. We watched the tiny sliver of moon rise.
"Shhhh" He hushed me firmly.
"Shuddup." He growled quietly, putting his hand over my mouth. I realized he wasnt just shushing me. He was on high alert. He's ears swiveled and he scented the air.
I could feel the hairs on the nape of my neck stand on end.
"We aren't armed," I whispered.
"Tell me something I don't know. I have to get you home."
"Like hell!" I snapped back. I saw the corner of his mouth flick up for an instant.
"Come on." He said grabbing me.
We raced brake neck home, collecting Tessuiga and my bow from Mt Azusa. I slung my full quiver over my shoulder as I hopped back on my hanyo. There wasn't time to alert anyone else. Back towards the lake and beyond we went till we came to a pitch black clearing.
"I can't see." I barely whispered.
"I can." A soft growl rising in his chest. "It's close, but it's not big. I can probably handle it myself." He lept into a tree and set me on a thick branch.
My eyes were over wide. I felt like a blind owl.
"Don't move."
"Are you kidding! Why would I dare move?"
He dropped easily to the ground. I heard more than saw and then a moment later there was a crash. I heard a roar, then InuYahsa yelling out wind scar. In the dieing light of the wind scar I saw a second demon.
"There's two!" I screamed. Wishing I could see, glad I couldn't, and trembling when my ears were met with shrieking. InuYashas shrieking! Everything in me wanted to call out, yet if I did...
"Blades of blood!"
I inhaled and exhaled in momentary relief, and heard the gurgling of a dieing demon.
I waited. Hearing nothing I called out. "InuYasha?" Silence was all the dark held.
Minutes ticked by.
Then an hour.
I was too terified to feel my way down.
"Kag..." His voice was laced with pain. "Wait."
So I waited.
Finally I heard him pull himself into the boughs. "Get on." He panted out.
"Your hurt!"
"Not as hurt as I will be if you fall. GET ON!"
He got us down out of the tree, but no further. He quickly started a fire, and now able to see, I helped turn it into a roaring blaze. I assessed the damage done to him and concluded it was not life threatening. His right calf was shredded and he had some other minor lacerations. By morning we would be able to get home. I dressed and treated as best I could before settling in the crook of his arm.
"All good?"
"Yea." His answer felt distant. I didn't want to push him.
Warmed by his healing body and the fire I quickly dozed, but a few hours later I was awakened by his quaking. He was mumbling about two, something about two of them. I held him tight, softly whispering words of comfort to him until he settled.
By sun up the fire was nearly out. InuYasha kicked dirt over the smoldering coals and not saying a word, came to me and crouched. I clambered on and held fast. He braced my bottom with his strong arms. The trees wizzed by so fast I was nearly motion sick by the time we stopped at home.
Someone had smothered our hearth and salvaged the ramen, which we happily ate cold.
"It's not bad." InuYasha said absently.
"Are you okay?"
"Hmmm?" He looked at me, but his eyes were miles away.
"There's something bothering you."
"Yea... you could say that. That second demon..." He shivered. "It all came back to me. That day with Miroku..."
"Tell me."
"Kagome, I don't kn-"
"We aren't going to hide things from each other. We are mates, so I can almost feel your apprehension. I knew something wasn't right last night. We have to be there for each other."
He nodded slowly and I wached his eyes as they looked in the recent past.

*InuYashas pov*
"Miroku and I thought it was going to be a simple demon disposal. We joked about it on the way there in fact. We took the first demon down easy, too easy. Some kind of earth dwelling things we had never seen. Wasn't tough though. They were twins... they were like two halves of the same whole and when the first one went down..." I swallow hard. "The brother was under me, caught us off guard. I was too shocked to react... it's hot breath was all around, then I felt it's jaws close." I take a moment to control my breathing, glancing over at my beautiful wife. She wasn't crying, so I was thankful for that. Kagome patiently waited for me to continue. I twisted one ear to the door, listning for anything amiss, the other as always listning to her steady heart beat. Gods she owned my soul. I took breath. "I thought I was dead. I could feel it's putrid teeth in my body, snapping bones. I was nauseous from the pain and from my organs being shredded. Most of what happened after was a blur. I know Miroku used seals to shock it, causing it to crunch down on me harder before loosening it's grip to get a better hold. He got me out before purifying the bastard. He dispatched it quickly and went to get help. I was to inside my thoughts to know much. There was only one thing that kept me from walking into the darkness... you."
She showed only understanding and reached out, putting a warm hand on my arm. I could feel love pouring into me. I wondered for a moment if she felt the same.
"Next thing I remembered was a red mist over my vision, and you. Your worried face told me how bad I was. I saw my torn up body in your eyes and felt fear... real fear. And it's haunting me." I finished quietly, ashamed of my fear. I knew she would say the right things and be all apathetic, but what I wanted was for her to slap some sense into me, to make this damned feeling go away. But she didn't have to slap me. She moved closer and sat in my lap. I was always comforted when she was in my arms. But she was also the reason I was afraid. I had so much more to lose now.
"Hmmm?" I looked down at my whole world, and smiled when she cupped my face in her palm. I couldn't resist, so before she spoke, I pressed my lips to hers, in the back of my mind remembering to always be careful, but the hot little minx wrapped her fingers in my hair and pulled me down, to kiss her harder. I felt that tightning in my groin and willed my body to be still. There was no hope for me though when I smelled that sweet essence wafting up from her female area. When I growled and pushed her out of my lap, on to the mat and moved over her, she giggled.
"You are my damn bane woman!"

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