Love Bites

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A few weeks had passed and InuYasha and I had developed a somewhat normal routine. He and Miroku would deal with a rouge demon, help farmers with their crops or volunteer at the temple in exchange for goods. But mostly they were no where to bee seen during the day.  Kaede, Rin, Sango, and I worked the gardens, hunted for herbs that grew in the forest, tended the children and gathered supplies to improve the homes in the village.
It was the eve of the third new moon since his return, and we still hadn't talked about the wedding. I was begining to despair. Any time I tried to bring it up, he would change the subject or kiss me and distract me.
I had asked Kaede but all I got was chiding and a reprimand about patience.
The day was so lovely, I should have enjoyed my time at the lake, even though I was washing out clothes. Instead I was lost. Wool gathering about things everyone was keeping from me.
I didn't hear InuYasha walk up behind me.
"That's a lot of wool you have there."
I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Aah! Inu! Dang it!" I was greeted by his warm smile. My heart instantly melted. That smile was mine alone.
"Ya need help there?" He asked, squatting beside me."
"You could hang those, but you don't have to." I gave him an out, thinking that this was just another distraction. If he took the bait and hung the clothes then he was trying to be more nice to me than normal, and if he just sat there pensively then I would know that he still had it on his mind but he wasn't trying to be nice to win me over. I sounded delusional.
"What's that look for?"
"I was just wondering, " I watched him for irritation, "how everything went at the temple today."
The relief was evident in his shoulders. I was instantly angry and when he opened his mouth to speak, I pushed him down on his back. Obviously he was strong enough to not be pushed around by me, but I caught him off guard and sun set was less than two hours away.
"Damn it Kagome!" He spat, but before he could utter another word, I was on top of him, yelling.
"You have been avoiding me or being stupid nice for weeks! I'm so sick of it! Please tell me what's going on!"
"Well..." he started, "I know what you want to talk about, and I wanted to wait a little while, get used to living together for while first. I just don't want you mad." He said the last a bit peeved.
"Are you sure that's all it is?" My eyes pleading for answers.
"Spill it!"
"I didn't want you to get tired of me, having me hanging around all the time. And I didn't want to damage your reputation any more, or your body."
"What in the world are you talking about?"
"Your hey-man... or whatever. I don't want to tear it up, like you said. .." he trailed off.
"My hymen? Oh goodness. I told you we can be careful."
"I know, but I wanted to be sure that you were better, that you had all your strength back before..."
I nod. "Well I'm fine now." I smile and lean over him, knowing that it would be harder for him to resist, harder for him to fight me. My lips find his and move over them languidly. At first he stiffens, then relents, returning my kiss. I part my lips and lick his, which makes him open his own. I explore his mouth, his fangs, sparing with his tongue. He moans softly and wraps his hands in my hair, pulling my head down to kiss him harder.
I brake away, dropping nips and kisses along his jaw, down his neck. While he is distracted, I untie the stays that hold his robe closed and when I kiss down to his collar, I am able to quickly pull his robe open, exposing his chest to my view. His manhood instantly springs to life.
My lips continue their downward journey, stopping to tease first one nipple, then the other. I can tell from his sharp intake of breath, that his feel as good as mine do.
My hips start to grind out an agonizingly slow rotation over his groin and I'm awarded as his eyes flutter shut, and his cheeks turn bright red.
"Kagome." He whispers.
I untie the ribbon holding the closure of his hakama and move enough to allow them to fall open. I move forward and continue my torture. My kisses leaving a trail back up his throat, and at the junction of his neck and shoulder, I bite. It's not very hard, but his eyes fly open.
"That's my job!"
"What?" I say confused.
"Mating bites! That's my job. You don't have fangs, how do you expect to.... oh .....  you didn't know.

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