Primal Growels

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The soft hairs around his navel tickle my fingers as I run my hand back and forth. He doesn't stop me. Eyes closed tight, his breathing becomes ragged. I bring the hand I'm teasing, up to my lips and kiss his clawed fingertips, being very cautious for I have seen the damage they can inflict.
A whisper escapes his lips. I barely made out what sounded like 'damn it' when he jerked his hand out of mine. For half a heartbeat I thought he was going to turn and run... I expected him to run. What I didn't expect was both his hands on my backside, lifting me off the ground. He growled low and deep. I had heard him growl in anger before but this was primal and something deep inside me answered his call.
He lowered me, my skirt riding up, until I felt his hardness pressing against my warmest place. Instinctvely I wrapped my legs around his waist. I was looking down into his impassioned face, realizing too late that he was right. He wasn't going to stop now and I didn't want him to. I didn't really know what we were doing though. I just knew my body didn't want to stop either. My hands that had clamped down on his shoulders for balance now found their way to his face and my mouth was once again on his. As soon as our lips met again, I felt his hardness pulse against me as if it had a life of its own. In unison he pulled me tighter to his body, making what was once a warm feeling at my center, pulsate and burn. I knew I was wet down there now, and he knew too. Faint purple marks began to form under my hands. I broke the kiss.
"Look at me!"
His eyes were still the same amber I loved, only dazed with lust.
"What?" He breathed.
"Just checking something." I responded, panting. Unable to stop myself I moved his hair back over his shoulder and started dropping kisses down his jaw to his neck. I slowly moved back up before a leaning forward to lick and nibble the outer edge of his soft ear. My breasts were half an inch from the groan that escaped him and I felt his hard length throb against my nether region again.
"You... you have to stop. Shit that feels so good... fuck... Kagome. .. please... I don't want to take you like this!"
I stop, tilting his face up to mine and whisper against his soft lips, "we don't have to do "that" ya know."
I softly kiss his pouting swollen lips and lifting away I add " there is so much we can do besides that." His confused look makes me smile.
"I ... I don't know. .. I don't even know what we are doing!"
"I know Aisareru, I don't either, but I did learn some things in school, or from friends. Please put me down and I will show you."
He slowly lowers me down the length of his body making it torture for us both. When my feet touch the ground I kneel.
"Are you okay?" He asks full of worry.
"I'm fine, now hush." My voice trembles as much as my hand as I reach up to touch the front of his pants
"Kagome! "
"Don't fight me. I want you to enjoy this. It's new for us both so you are going to have to tell me if it feels good, okay."
I untie the ribbon that holds his hakama closed. He has no clue how many times I have watched him secretly, getting undressed.
His body is perfection. But he wasn't flaccid this time. His manhood was at full attention. The underwear of this time did very little to cover or contain his huge erection and Inuyasha almost lost the ability to stand when both my hands closed over his length.

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