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My alarm goes off as always at the same time every day, it is 5:30 am and its time for me to get up and start getting the breakfast ready for the pack before I get a beating once again for not having it ready on time. I head to the kitchen and go straight to the fridge and get the eggs bacon and sausage out, I also get some oranges to make fresh orange juice. I go to the pantry and get the bread out as well before going to the cabinet and getting pans to start cooking the bacon, eggs and the sausage while I squeeze the oranges for the juice and pop some bread in the toaster.

When everything is done I set everything on the counter top of the kitchen island and set up the table, so everybody can get what they want as soon as they get in the kitchen. I go to my room and get my outfit for school and head to my small bathroom and take a shower, I finish washing my hair and my body with my cherry blossom shampoo/body wash and get out dry myself before changing into the clothing that I chose to wear to school.

I finish changing, grab my book bag, my phone and the keys to my 1987 black ford mustang. I head down stair and try to go by the door that leads to the kitchen as quietly as possible so I wont be heard and be able to get out of the pack house before someone decides to give me a beating just for the fun of it. As I am at the door about to open it I am pulled back by my hair and being drown to the ground by Amun (one of my brothers), I look down to the floor because if I look directly as his eyes the beating will be worse.

"Where are you going" Amun says using his beta voice

"Im going to school" I say

"Not before you clean the kitchen you aren't" he says

I don't say anything after that I just keep looking down and just nod my head in a yes motion, not wanting to get in his bad side since he hasn't hit me yet. All of a sudden I feel a stinging feeling on my cheek indication that he has just slapped me so hard that my head turned and my cheek was starting to turn red where his hand made contact with my face.

"That's what you get for trying to leave without doing your duties, don't let it happen again or it will be worse next time." he said

"Yes sir" I say in response

As I turn around I see everybody just looking at me laughing, as I start to tear up my wolf LUPE tells me "Don't let them see you cry Isis they just want to see you weak and vulnerable" as she finishes I realize she is right that's all they want and I am not going to give them the satisfaction of seeing me weak and vulnerable, as I get up and head to the kitchen to start cleaning Selena one of the slut triplets pushes me making me fall once again. I get up once again from the floor and start to clean up and wash all the dishes.

I head to the pack garage where my baby is at, I open the door to my car turn it on and look at the time on my phone it is already 7:25, I got only 35 minutes to get to school before I am late to my first class. I arrive at school with 10 minutes to spare, I go to my locker get my books and head to class, as I walk in to class I see the triplet sluts on the soon to be alphas laps and for some reason I get this jealous feeling and I don't know why. I head to my seat and wait for the class to start, out of no where a girl sits next to me and doesn't say anything I have never seen her in this class before she must be new or just transferred from a different class.

After School

I start walking to my locker to put my books back and start to head to my car, as I do so I see my brothers, the pack sluts and the soon to be alphas with their friends just a few cars away from mine. I walk looking at my phone pretending to be looking up something on google using my Galaxy Note 7, I make it to my car without being stopped and get in then drive off to the pack house. When I get there Iris and Eros (the alpha and luna of the pack) are waiting for me at the front entrance, as I make my way to them they look at me and smile, they have always treated be nice since they always wanted a daughter and never had one they treat me as their own.

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