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I couldn't believe that Isis had been the one who killed Acheloes, Harmony and Selena by herself and then the rouge that was going to attack all of us from behind but not before he was able to do some damage. We went to the hospital with Isis in the ambulance keeping her from closing her eyes, those light blue eyes we thought we would never see again. When we arrived at the hospital we were taken to a room where Isis was hooked up to a heart monitor and an IV, when Manuel left we just looked at her and she looked at us not saying anything as she closed her eyes the door to the room opened and in came our parents, Veronica and Isis's brothers.

"How she doing" mom asked

"Manuel said she just needed some rest" I said

"She is almost completely healed" Apolo said

"She will be hurting for awhile but nothing out of the normal" Ares said

"I am glad that she is going to be okay" dad said

"Us too" Veronica said

As we start to make small talk there was a knock on the door, we turned to see Manuel come in to check on Isis. He looked at her wound and said it have healed completely, he took the IV out of her arm and unhooked the heart monitor. After that he left once more and asked to let him know when she woke up to give her some pain killers, that way she could feel a little more convertible. We were having a conversation of how proud we all were of Isis and how she had saved us from the rouge when there was another knock on the door and in came Fabricio with the others holding our pups.

"Well can we introduce you to your pups" Fabricio said

"Please do" I said

"Well Alastor these are Dante and Clara, your pups" he said as him and Irene placed them on my arms

"These are Alassandro and Siena Apolo, your pups" he said as Feliciano and Giorgia placed them on his arms

"And these are Matteo and Suzetta Ares, your pups" he said as Francesco and Sara placed them on his arms

"Welcome to fatherhood" Isis said with a big smile on her face

We all turned to see her, she had a big smile on her face as she saw us with our sleeping pups in our arms. Dad went and got Manuel so he could come in and check on Isis, my brothers and I sat on chair holding our sleeping pups in our arms not taking our eyes off them afraid that they would disappear or maybe afraid of this being a dream.

"Well I see that our hero is awake now, let me check you before I meet the pups if that's okay of course" he said

"Go ahead Manuel" Isis said

After checking her, he gave her two pills for the pain. She looked at us and we looked at her still holding our pups, with big smiles on our faces.

"Well Manuel on Alastor's arms you have Dante and Clara they were born first, on Apolo's arms you have Alassandro and Siena they were born second and on Ares's arms you have Matteo and Suzetta they were born last" she said

"Well they each look like their fathers" he said

"How is that even possible, I mean how could we father two pups each" I said

"Well that's simple to answer Alastor, the answer is that when you all mated Isis realized three eggs each one of you fertilizing one and fathering the pups that you each hold on your arms" he said


As Manuel was explaining how it was possible for each one of my mates fathering our pups, all the memories of that day came flashing to me like a waterfall. One after the other, the way I felt to be in their arms, they way they each touched my body, the way they made me feel loved and the way that they made love to me. I started to get hot just by thinking of that night and I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind, at least for now.

"Well Isis I guess you can go home, your wound is closed and your vitals look normal" he said

"Lets go home" my mates said and I just nodded

When we got to the pack house, we went to the very top floor which was for the family only. I followed them to a room where there were three cribs, the room was painted in a forest like theme with three wolf painted on it one white, one gray and one midnight black just like the outfits that they gave the pups before they were born. There was an outline for anther wolf in front of them, as I saw my mates put the pups in the cribs and walked towards me.

"That is the outline of your wolf" Alastor said

"We didn't know what color it was so we didn't finish it" Apolo said

"But now we do" Ares said

Alastor puts his hands around my waist as Apolo and Ares each grab one of my hands, they lead me to a door just across from the pups room and open the door. We walk in and I see a red and black room, it had black walls with a ruby red carpet and curtains. The king size bed had black bed posts and a ruby red net coming down from the ceiling wrapping the bed posts, as we got closer I see that the bed had on a ruby red and black bed spread on it that I loved it feels fluffy and warm.

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