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Its been a week since Isis and us have finished the mating process and she has been acting wired lately, she has been saying that she hasn't been feeling good. She has been getting dizzy and says its because she hasn't been eating well, which we do believe because she hasn't been eating right lately. She has been eating things that don't seem to be normal, we have been seeing her eat random things and using the bathroom a lot lately as well. She has been spending a lot of time in the bathroom as well but we just don't know what to think, we decided to take the pups to the park and take dad and her brothers with us.

We went to the park and let the pups play while we talked to my dad, Amun, Anubis, Horus and Bes.

"So we have been noticing that Isis hasn't been herself lately" Alastor said

"Yeah, she has been spending a lot of time in the bathroom" Apolo said

"And she has been eating things that she wouldn't be eating before" Ares said

"Your mom has been acting the same way" dad said

"Okay so we are going though the same thing with Veronica" Amun said

"Veronica has been doing the same thing" Anubis said

"But she has been really emotional as well" Horus said

"And waking us up in the middle of the night to go get her random things we don't have in the house" Bes said

"Could it be a she wolf sickness going around today" we all said at the same time while we all burst out laughing

After awhile longer we headed back home, still laughing about what we were discussing. When we got in the house the girls were looking at the tv, they seem to be very interested on what they were watching and then looked at us. After small quick chat they went to cook lunch and they left to the kitchen, we then started to hear music come from the kitchen and every other song we heard one of the girls singing along and sometimes we would hear all of them at the same time bringing a smile to our faces.

After awhile they called us in to the kitchen and we found the table set up and the food on it just so we could get our plates and get what ever we wanted, we sat down and then my dad spoke.

"So what is it you three want to tell us" dad said

"Why do you say that" Veronica said

"Okay who is pregnant" Amun said

"What makes you say that" mom asked

"Well mom told us that when she found out she was pregnant with me and my brothers she made this same meal for father" Bes said

"So who is pregnant" Anubis said

"I am" they all said at the same time

"Who" we all turned and looked at them

At that moment all three of them take out the ultrasound pictures and they see how we all are looking at them with wide eyes, opening and closing our mouths like a fish out of the water. They waited for a few more seconds trying to figure out if we are shocked or just stunt with the news, when we don't do anything they turn to see each other. After awhile they look back and see that we are still looking at them, so they take a seat on the stools in front of the counter and just wait for us to do something. When they see that we don't do anything they decide to get their plates and start to eat, once they had their plates with food they go back to the stools and they start to eat leaving us to get out of our trans.

When they finish eating they put their plates in the sink and they go back to sit on their stools, they look at us waiting for us to say something and dad is the one to finally break the silence.

"So you are all pregnant or are you all just joking around" dad said

Mom walks to dad, Veronica walks to Amun, Anubis, Horus and Bes and Isis comes to us. They each gave us their ultrasound pictures and we each look at them on the very top of the ultrasound pictures we see each of our mates names on them, we also see that they each only have one ultrasound picture. All of us look at our mates and we just see worry in their eyes, as if we would be upset or something.

We are the first to go and hug Isis and give her a tight hug, we just let our tears roll down our eyes. Father is the next to go to mom and hug her and Amun Anubis, Horus and Bes are the last ones to go Veronica, we don't say anything except just hug our mates.

"So do you all know how many pups your all having" Ares asked

"Well I am having twins" mom said

"I'm having triplets" Isis says

"And I'm having quatruplets" Veronica said

"Aren't any of you going to say anything" mom asked

"Well we are happy" Alastor said

"Since this time we will be able to be there for it" Apolo said

"And we will be present for the birth of our pups" Ares said

"You all do realize that we will be having nine pups under the age of one right" Isis said

"And we will be there to protect every single one of them" we said

This gave her a smile that went from ear to ear, making us smile at the same time. We went upstairs to our room where we all layed down with Isis laying on top of Apolo while we all had our arms around her small bump that is bearly visible. We can't be any more happier than what we are now, this time we will see her baby bump growl as the pups get bigger inside her, we will be able to see them move and feel them as well before they are born and lastly we will be able to be there when they are born and be apart of their naming as well as to find out what we are having this time since we have decided to wait until they are born to find out what we are having.

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