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It has been two months since Veronica, Alastor, Apolo, Ares, Amun, Anubis, Horus and Bes left Rome and I have been having false contractions and it has started to make me go crazy. I have been staying on the lower level where it easier for me to get to the kitchen without having to walk down the stair, yeah with the belly I am carrying it got difficult to walk down the stair with out feeling like I was going to fall down the stair.

After I got something to eat, I went to the table to sit down and eat when I felt another sharp pain which I just shrugged it off as another false contraction and continued eating. I finished eating and got up put my dishes in the sink, went back to the table and finished my juice and went to the sink to wash my dishes before going to the tv room and watch The Mask with Jim Carey. After I started watching the movie, everybody else came in and sat down to watch the movie with me when another sharp pain hit me.

"Are you okay" Irene asked

"Yeah just a false contraction I guess" I said

"Are you sure they are false" Giorgia said

"I think so" I said

"Why don't we just take you in to get checked out if you have another one" Sara said

"Okay sound like a good idea" I said

"Filaminio could you go get the hospital bags that we have ready for the pups birth please" Francesca asked

"Sure baby" Filaminio said

I got up to get me something to drink when I felt a gush of water go down my legs, as I am about to turn around a sharp pain hits me stronger than the ones before that makes me scream out of pain. Fabricio runs into the kitchen and sees me bent over in the middle of a puddle of water and he starts to shout out orders, after that I felt him pick me up bride style and carried my to the car. When we got to the hospital my grandma was already waiting for me, they wheeled me in to a very big room with six baby plastic cribs, eight nurses (which my grandma explained that there were two nurses for each one of my pups plus two that were going to help her deliver them).

The pain got even stronger, making it harder to take breaths. Grandma gave me a shot of some kind of pain killer that helped make the pain a little less painful, they started to get me ready for me to deliver my pups and with every minutes that passed the closer I got to deliver my babies.

"Okay Isis I got to check you and see how close we are to meeting these babies" grandma said

"Okay grandma" I said

"Just breath in through your nose and out through your mouth for me okay" she said

"Okay" I said

As she check me she said that I was three fourths of the way to meeting my pups, that we had to wait for a little while longer.

"Do you want me to call anybody and tell them you will be delivering the pups soon" she said

"Could you call Alpha Eros and Luna Iris please" I said

"Sure thing sweetie" she said

She gets her phone out and calls the Silver Moon Pack and someone answers by the second time the phone rang, and she asked to talk with either Alpha Eros or Luna Iris and the call was put on hold.

"Hello, this is Alpha Eros and Luna Iris how can we help you" Eros said

"Well this is Isis's grand mother she asked me to call you and let you know that she is in labor" grandma said

"What? How is she doing? Is everything okay?" Luna Iris asked

"Yes everything is fine up to now, she is doing great she is three fourths through being ready to deliver these pups" grandma said

"Please keep us updated please" Alpha Eros said

"We will inform our sons about this as well" Luna Iris said

"Okay thankyou and don't worry I will let you know when the pups are here and will send pictures as soon as they get cleaned up and changed" grandma said


"Okay Isis let me check how your doing, breath in through your nose and out through your mouth okay" grandma said

"Okay" I said

"Well lets meet this babies" she said

"Okay" I said

"Now here is how its going to go down, I am going to put your legs up here like so and when you feel like pushing you push with all the strength that you can manage so you can push these pups out okay" grandma said

"Okay" I said

After two hours of pushing as hard as I could I started to feel tired and I had just pushed out five of my six pups, I could feel my eyes closing and my grandma telling me to push just one more time.

"Come on Isis just one more push and you can rest, just one more push" she said

"I can't grandma, I'm to tired" I said

"I know but I need you to push one last time really hard and then you can rest" she said

So with the little bit of strength that I had I pushed and pushed and pushed until I heard my baby's cry, then I hear my grandma say now you can rest baby girl, you did good before darkness took over me. I fell into a wonderful dream where my mates where next to my hospital bed telling me how well I did staying strong until our last baby was born, while they held two babies each in their arms. The only thing that I could do was just smile at them while they had our babies in their arms, and with that I fell asleep.

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