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I am in my checking my email when I start hearing screams coming from down the hall, I get up from my chair and head towards the screams when I see a several girls start to run away and on the floor is another girl bleeding. I run to the girl that is laying on the floor only to see that it is Isis my high school friends who past away daughter, she is laying in a pool of blood with her hands on her stomach I assume she got hit on her stomach but her smell is different its not the cherry blossom smell that she is used to have the last few times I was around her. "Isis keep your eyes open sweetie" I say as she looks at me and then they wander to the four guys that are around us by this moment, as I look up I see that its her brothers looking at her without knowing what to say or do.

As soon as we get her in the ambulance and start heading to the hospital I mind link the alpha and the luna and tell them what happened, they respond by saying that they will meet us there. I look at isis and I see her getting weaker by the second and say to her "Isis don't close your eyes please we are almost at the hospital, please stay awake" but she closes her eyes as we arrive at the hospital and we rush her in to the operating room to stop the bleeding.

One of the nurses lets me know that the alpha and luna are in the waiting room for me, I tell her to let them in as I finish checking Isis vitals. As they walk in I hear some one gasp as I turn around I see luna Iris with her mouth covered with her hand, as she start sobbing in sadness and shock of seeing Isis in this state.

"What happened?" Alpha Eros asked

"She got beaten at school by several girls" I say

"How is she" Luna Iris says

"She has stitches on the back of her head, two broken ribs, broses and a few scratches, other than that she should wake up in a few days, maybe in a day or two" I say

"Why so long?" Luna Iris asked

"Her wolf seems to be rejecting to heal her for some reason that is still unknown to me" I say

"Do everything you can please" Alpha Eros and Luna Iris say at the same time

"I will let you know what ever the blood work that I ask to be done say ASAP" I say

They just nod and I walk out of the room letting them have some alone time with her, they love her as she was their daughter especially since they saw how distant her brothers where of her after her parents/my friends died. As I walk to my office a nurse comes in with the blood work results that I ask to be done on Isis, as I read I am shocked to see the pregnancy test came back positive. "She is pregnant" I say to myself, that explains why she was covering her stomach during her beating. Her mother feelings kicked in and protected her pregnancy instead of her, but I didn't even know she had found her mate yet.


I wake up to the sound of a beeping sound near my head, it starting to get on my last nerve. I open my eyes slowly as I see im in a solid white room with machines connected to my body as well as an IV, as I continue to take in my surrounding I hear the door open and in walked Manuel the pack doctor.

"I see your awake now" Manuel says

"Yes, can I have some water please" I say

"Sure here you go" Manuel says

"Thankyou" I say after I take a few sips of water

"Do you remember what happened to you" Manuel asks I just nod

"Then you know why your here" Manuel said to which I nod again

"Can I ask you a question" I say

"Yes, go ahead ask away" Manuel said

"How long have I been out?" I say

"Two days" Manuel says

"Has anyone come to see me?" I ask

"Just the alpha and the luna" Manuel said

When he said that I felt really sad and lonely, neither one of my mates had come to see me. I knew it was to good to be true, they never cared about me, they never loved me, they only used me for their satisfaction. I didn't even know that I had just started to cry until I feel someone wipe my tears away, I look up to see Manuel standing next to my bed with sad eyes.

"You asked that because you wanted to know if your mate came in to see you right" Manuel said

I look in his eyes and just nod my head yes as more tears start to come down, he takes my hands in his and looks in my eyes and tells me to tell him when and where I met them.

"It was at my birthday party that the alpha and luna threw for me, I had gotten tired of standing around and decided to go to my room take a shower and get to bed early. When I came out of the bathroom they were in my room waiting for me to come out, and we mated, they said that they loved me, but said we needed to keep it a secret until after we graduated from high school." I said

"You said THEY" Manuel ask

"Yes" I said

"So you have more than one" Manuel asked

"Yes I have three and neither one of them came to see me" I said

"Isis do you know that your pregnant" Manuel says

"WHAT?" I said

"You are pregnant" he repeats himself

Without even knowing I put my hands on my stomach, and start to rub it over the hospital gown. "Does anybody else know?" I ask him and he just shacks his head no, please don't tell anyone let me be the one to tell them please I said.

"Okay" he said and left me alone to rest


I was finally able to go home but while I was at the hospital I took a decision that I was going to leave the pack, for the safety of my baby and myself. If I continued to stay here I was at risk of another beating and this time who knew if my baby will survive the beating, so I got to the pack house went to my room packed two duffle bags with clothing, my laptop, my ipad, my phone, chargers and all the money that was given to me when my parents died which was enough to start a new life with my baby far away from here.

I grabbed a piece of paper to write a note to Eros and Iris

Dear Eros and Iris,

I cant continue staying here and be beat up every time your not around, I want to thankyou for being there for me when I needed some one to talk to or to hold me. I will always have you in my heart and will try and keep you updated of my where abouts for know all I know is that I need to go away for my safety and that of my baby, yes you read it right im pregnant.

You see the day of my birthday I met my mates, and we mated which ended with me getting pregnant. They ask me to keep it a secret until we graduated from high school and i agreed, but when i woke up in the hospital and asked who had visited me during the two days that i was out, the only people that had gone to see me were just you two. My mates didn't go to make sure if i was okay, i feel used and i don't want my baby to be in danger.

With Love,

Iris Rivera

I grabbed my two bags and the letter, making my way to the alphas office to leave the letter on his desk. As i get near the office i make sure no one sees me and tries to stop me, i walk in to the office leave the note and head to the garage where my car was. I guess someone brought it back from school after i was sent to the hospital, i put my bags in the back seat of my car and start to drive to the airport. I park my car in the airport and head in to buy my ticket to a new beginning, i walk up to the cashier lady and buy a ticket to Italy once there i will change my name and start from zero with my baby.

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