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After I left I went back home with all the bags of presents that were sent to Isis by her mates, I hope she doesn't go all sentimental and cries while she opens the bags. As I get closer to the house I look up to Isis's bedroom window and there she was as always rubbing her baby bump and looking towards the hotel where her mates are, even though she denies it she wants them to be here with her sharing the happiness and joy she feels every time she feels the pups move or kick. Once in side I head to her room and knocked on her door, when I heard a come in I did so.

"How are you feeling" I asked

"Good the pups wont stop moving or kicking" she said

"Well I came bearing gifts" I said

"You didn't have to" she said

"O there not from me" I said

"Who are they from" she asked

"The fathers to be" I said

Her eyes go wide before a big smile appears on her face, I place the bags on her bed and help her to it.

"They said that the blue bags are for the boys, the pink bags are for the girls and the colorful one is for you" I said

She starts to open the boys presents, she pulls out three identical blue outfits one had a white wolf on it the other had a light gray wolf and the last one had a midnight black wolf on it. After that she opened the girls presents, she pulls out three identical pink outfits one had the white wolf on it the other had the light gray wolf and the last one had the midnight black wolf on it. By the time she got to her present you could see in her eyes that she was about to cry, she took the present out which contained a letter that read

Our Beloved Isis,

We know that we did wrong by not going and making sure you were okay after you got beat up at school, we know that you must hate us and we understand your reasons. If we were in your place we would have done the same thing, we just want you know that we LOVE you so much and now that we know about the pups we want to do everything we can to get you back. Mom and Dad miss you too they got mad when we told them that we were your mates after father read your letter out loud, baby please come home we all miss you. Your brothers are here too, they are trying to help us find you they want to apologize for not being there for you when you needed them the most. Please baby come home or at least let us talk to you on the phone, we miss your beautiful angelic voice hope you love the presents.

Will Always Love You

Alastor, Apolo and Ares

By the time she finished reading the letter she had tears falling off her face like a waterfall, she grabbed the bag that contained her present, she took out a bottle of her cherry blossom shampoo/body wash, a bottle of her favorite perfume, a gold necklace with matching earrings, bracelet and ring that had three wolf on it. She looked at me and I looked at her, we both stayed quiet while looking at everything her mates sent her.

"You okay" I asked

"Yeah" she said

"Lets put all this away, what do you say" I asked

"Sure" she said

I helped her put her stuff away first before going into the babies room to put their items away, as we were putting the babies clothing away she looked at me from the girls dresser and said

"Did you see my brothers" she asked

"Yes I did" I said

"They ask about me" she asked

"Yes they did, they look really bad you can tell they have been missing you so much" I said

"What you tell them" she asked

"Well don't get mad at me but I showed them the picture I took of you the other day" I said

"Were they mad" she asked

"No they were actually happy to at least be able to see you in a picture and see that your okay" I said

"You didn't tell them where I am did you" she asked

"No, they did ask but I told them and your mates that I promised you not to tell anyone where you were and I wasn't going to break that promise" I said

"I hope that my brothers find their mate or mates soon they should be happy too, start a family of there own" she said

"About that, they already found their mate" I said

"Do I know her" she asked

"Yes you do sister in law" I said


When she said sister in law I wanted to jump up and down of happiness, she has always had a crush on my brothers since we were in the fourth grade. At that moment I move to where she is and I hug her tight, now I wouldn't just call her sister because we have been friends since we were baby's but she is also my brothers mate I couldn't be more happier than what I already am.

"Can you do me a favor sis" I asked

"Sure sis what is it" she asked

"Could you take a letter to my mates and my brothers please" I said

"Sure go and write it and I will take it to them" she said

I go to my room and to the desk that is next to the window where I spend most of my time looking out my window towards the hotel where they are staying, and I start to write the letter.

My Dear Alastor, Apolo and Ares,

I want to thank you for the presents you sent the pups and me, I loved them. All I need right now is some time to myself, I just want to make sure the pups get here safe and out of danger. I don't want them to go through what I went through, they are the only reason I got the strength to leave for their safety I will do anything. Hope you can understand me and not pressure me to go back when I am not ready to go back yet, I do have to admit that I do miss you three so much and that sometimes I just want to feel your arms around me. Holding me making me feel safe and loved, but at this moment my pups come first.

Tell my brothers that I am so happy they found their mate, now I don't just call Veronica suster because she is my best friend but because she is family. Tell them that I love them and that I forgave them along time ago, to stop feeling sad they need to move on and be happy. Also tell your parents that I miss them too and that I will keep them updated on the pups as well, tell them that we will see each other someday but for now I need space please stop looking for me.

With Love,

Isis Cleopatra Rivera

I put the letter in a envelope and give it to Veronica so she can take it to my mates, I hope they understand the reasons why I am doing this and that my pups will always come before anyone else. As she walks out I tell her to be careful and that I love her, with a big smile on her face she says "I always am" and with that she goes to the hotel to give the letter to my mates and my brothers

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