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After I took my relaxing bath I got out and wrapped a towel around my body and one on my hair, I can't stop thinking of what happened today. First Isis was 100% sure that she had smelled her mates, one near the house just underneath her window, the other one at the park and the last one at the café. She has been under so much stress that I think she could have imagined all that because deep down she wants them near her, especially since they are just two miles away from our house.

Then what happened with me at the pond and then at the gym, I am still trying to figure out who that black wolf is and what he was doing at the pond in our territory. I go to my closet and get some clothing and my shoes, I put them on and head down stair. I get a water bottle from the fridge and I walk out the door, I start to walk while thinking what is going on with me and if I am going crazy.

I end up at the pond and I take my shoes and socks off before sitting on the edge of the pond and put my feet in the water, I lay back on the grass and look up to the stars that are starting to appear on the mid summer night. I close my eyes and just listen to the sounds around me, enjoying the warm summer night. I let the summer night sounds take over me, calling the darkness to consume me and to take me to dream land where I will escape my stressful day for at least a few hours.


After having a bath and taking a nap, I asked my brothers and the future alphas to meet up at the meeting room to see if we can figure out where our sister and future luna and the pups are. As I make my way to the meeting room I can't stop thinking of my mate that I never saw, can't figure out why she didn't let me see her. So many questions and so little answers, right now the important thing is to find Isis and the pups.

"So are we all more calm after taking a day to be alone and clear our minds" I asked

"I guess" Anubis said

"Same here" Horus said

"I am ready to get back to business" Bes said

"I am ready to find her and our pups" Alastor said

"What are we waiting for?" Apolo said

"I couldn't find her online and when I tracked her phone number earlier it pinned off at the BELLA ROSA CAFE but when I got there she was gone" Ares said

"What?" we all said at the same time

"Yeah, you heard me right" Ares said

We decided to look up her phone number one more time and it was either off or she discarded the phone after Ares tracked her down to the café, that ended us to continue to try and figure out where she could be. We studied what we already knew which was that she had to be near the hospital where grandma works (since she is the one taking care of her pregnancy), she also had to be near the café where her phone pinned off in the morning. We continued to work for another hour or so until we felt tired, my brothers and I decided to go on a run together like the old days before we saw what had happened to Isis at school.

I took them to the pond that I had found when I went running earlier in the day, where I smelled my mate. Before we got there we all stopped in our tracks and at the same time our wolfs Pablo, Pedro, Marcos, and Sebastian said the one word that we didn't expect to hear at that moment "MATE" We looked at each other and we didn't get mad, we had assumed that we were probably going to be sharing a mate since the future alpha triplets share one as well (our sister Isis). We shifted back to our human form and continued walking until we came to the clear where the pond is and there she was laying on the grass with her feet in the water, she seemed to be asleep as we walked closer to her without making a single sound.

As we got nearer to her and take in her features for some reason she seems so familiar, I turn to my brothers who are looking at me as well. We walk a little more closer, and her face come into view I am finally able to put a name to the face of our mate. She starts to stir and we back up a little and give her space to stretch, as she stretches you can see her muscles showing that she works out and it pleases us so much as she also has that feminine look as well.


I woke up a few hours later with a clear head, my feet still in the water. As I sit up I feel eyes on my back, I get my feet out of the water and put my socks and shoes like if nothing was going on. When I am done I get up and look at the sky for a few seconds, I suddenly turn bearing my fangs ready to attack when I see Amun, Anubis, Horus and Bes standing in front of me.

"Don't be afraid of us we will not hurt you" Amun said

"What are you doing here all by yourself" Anubis said

"We just want to talk with you" Horus said

"We want to get to know you" Bes said

"One I am not afraid of you four, two I am here because I felt like being here, three what do you want to talk about and four I already know all four of you Amun, Anubis, Horus and Bes" I said

"Where do you know us from" Amun said

"Well simple question to answer, Dallas Texas" I said

"How did we meet there?" Anubis asked

"We went to the same school for two year before I moved here with my family" I said

"What else do you know about us?" Horus asked

"You are members of the Silver Moon Pack" I said

"What is your name?" Bes asked

"My name is Veronica Ricci but you all used to call me Vero for short" I said

"Your Isis childhood friend" they all said at the same time

"Now what do you all want to talk to me about" I said

"Well, you see you are our mate" they said almost at the same time

"What?" I said

"You heard us right Vero, you Veronica Ricci is our mate" they said as my eyes started to close and my knees went limp, before the darkness took over me I heard one of them say "shit" as I am being caught in strong arms wrapping around me.

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