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I was with my mate in our room going through the things that we have been buying for our grand kids when we heard a knock on the door, we immediately started to put everything away thinking that it was our sons and we went to open the door.

"What is it?" I asked

"There is a call in the office and the caller asked to talk to you or the luna" the boy said

"Thank you we will be there in a minute" I said

We both went to my office where the phone was unhooked from the base, I push the speaker button and talk.

"Hello, this is Alpha Eros and Luna Iris how can we help you" I said

"Well this is Isis's grandmother she asked me to call you and let you know that she is in labor" Isis's grandma said

"What? How is she doing? Is everything okay?" Iris asked

"Yes everything is fine up to now, she is doing great she is three fourths through being ready to deliver these pups" she said

"Please keep us updated please" I said

"We will inform our sons about this as well"Iris said

"Okay thankyou and don't worry I will let you know when the pups are here and will send pictures as soon as they get cleaned up and changed" she said

After we hung up with Isis's grand mother I mind linked my sons and asked them to come to my office, once they got here I asked them to sit down because I had to tell them something very important.

"Well what is it" Alastor asked

"Before I tell you I want to know if all three of you are ready to be fathers" I asked

"Well yes, we have been talking about that since we got back, we want to be there for our pups and for Isis as well" Apolo said

"We know we screwed up big time and because of that we might not be there for their births" Ares said

"Well on that you are right Ares, you will not be there because you are here and not at the hospital with your mate while she is in labor with your pups" I said

"What are you saying father" they said at the same time

"What your father is saying is that Isis is in labor as we speak giving birth to your pups" Iris said

"How do you know this" they asked

"We just got off the phone with her grand mother, Isis asked her to call us and let us know she is in labor" I said

"She will let us know when the babies arrive and will send pictures as soon as they clean and change them" Iris said


It has been an hour since we last heard from Isis's grand mother and our sons are on the brink of making a whole on the floor of my office when my office phone rings and I pick it up, only to be a call from another pack saying that they were just attacked by rouges and that they said to blame us for the attack. Who could be doing this and why are they doing it, we really need to get this ended before Isis and the pups get back, just then the phone rings again.

"Hello" I said

"Alpha Eros" Isis's grand mother asked

"Yes, you are on speaker, my wife and sons are here as well" I said

"Well then all I got to say is CONGRATULATIONS you are now fathers and grand parents" she says

"How is Isis doing" Iris said

"She is asleep now, tired as any woman giving birth to six pups would be but she is doing fine" she said

"How are the pups doing" I asked

"They are being given a bath before they get changed and I am able to send you pictures of them as I said I would" she said

"Thank you for letting us know" my sons said

"Don't thank me, thank your mate when you talk to her" she said

"Please tell her we are proud of her and that we can't wait to see her and the pups in person when she wakes up" Iris said

"I will" she said

And with that she hung up and we were left to wait for the pictures, about four minutes later. We got the pictures of the pups, they all had the same outfit all though the boys were in blue and the girls in pink. They also had different wolfs on the shirts, two had a white wolf, two had a gray wolf and the other two had a midnight black wolf. At the bottom of the pictures there was a text that said "the two pups with the white wolf were born first, the ones with the gray wolf were born next and the ones with the midnight black wolf were born last. Isis is still asleep but I will let you all know when she wakes up, as well as what she decides what the names of the pups are" and with that we gave my phone to our sons so they can meet their pups.

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