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We were waiting for Iris and Eros to do the ultrasound and find out what I am having, when I get a phone call from Iris saying that they were being followed by the boys so they wouldn't be able to be here with us to find out the gender of my babies.

"So are you ready to find out what your having" grandma asked

"Yes we are" everybody said at the same time

"Okay then, first I'm going to take some measurements and then I will see what they are and show you on the screen as well" she said as I nod in agreement

After what felt like a few minutes she said that she was ready to show me my babies and their gender as well.

"Well here we have Baby A and Baby B, and it looks to be a boy and a girl" she said

"Here we have Baby C and Baby D, and it appears to be a boy and a girl too" she said

"Now for the last set of twin Baby E and Baby F, ladies and gentlemen we have a boy and a girl as well" she finishes

By this time I got tears running down my eyes, three boys and three girls. I am way to happy that I don't hear my grand mother asking if I wanted to hear their heart beat until Veronica wipes my tears away.

"Isis do you want to hear their heart beats" grandma asked again I just nod not being able to talk at all

As she pushes a button on the ultrasound machine, we start hearing my babies heart beat. I take my phone out and start recording the heart beats of my babies, after about two minutes I end the video and send it to Iris with a text saying these are your grand kids heart beats I will make sure you get the ultrasound pictures with the babies gender on them and send it.


We are all in the elevator heading to our floor where our rooms are when I get a text from Isis, I open it and my eyes start to water then tears start to go down my face. Eros sees me and then looks at the text message that I got and he starts to smile by this time we have seven faces looking at us like we were crazy or something in that category.

"Why don't we all go in to the meeting room" Eros says

We all head to our room and then to the meeting room, when we get there and sit down Eros started talking.

"So Iris just got a text and video from Isis that we all should watch together" he says as he plugs in my phone to the screen using the cable

"The text message says these are your grand kids heart beat, I will also make sure you get the ultrasound pictures with the babies gender on them" I say as Eros presses play on the video and all you hear are the babies heart beats through out the whole office for two whole minutes

As the video ended there is a knock on the door and I go and open it to find Veronica Moretti (Isis grand mother) with an envelope in her hand, I motion for her to come in and we both head to the meeting room where everybody is at playing over and over the video that Isis sent me.

"Isis asked me to bring you this" she said handing my sons an envelope

"What is it?" Alastor asked

"Open it and find out" she said

He opens the envelope and takes out what was inside it, as he does we see that its the ultrasound pictures that Isis mentioned on the text message. Alastor give Apolo and Ares one picture each as they look at them and start to cry, Eros and I go to them and see that they all say the same things, as we both look up to see Isis grand mother.

"She is having three sets of identical twins" she said

"There is one boy and a girl in each sack" she finishes

"How is she doing" Alastor asked

"She cried when I told her the gender of her babies and cried even harder when she heard their heart beat but other then being very emotional she is doing great" she said

"And the babies, how are they doing" Apolo asked

"So far they are all doing great" she said

"When will she be due" Ares asked

"I am estimating by the end of this month or on the first week of the next month, the pups are growing fast but they are doing good, making their mom tired but nothing out of the normal" she said

When she left I could see my boys looking at the ultrasound pictures with smiles on their faces but with sad eyes as well, tears rolling down their faces realizing what they are losing for not being the mates that Eros and I taught them to be.

They show Amun, Anubis, Bes and Horus the pictures and they all smile as they see their nephews and nieces, they decide to go out and buy the babies something and ask their grand mother to give it to Isis from them. We all head out to the mall once again but this time with big smiles on our faces, my boys with their babies pictures still in there hands looking at them, memorized by them.


After my appointment we all went to buy blue and pink paint to paint the room for the babies, I had decided to have all my babies in one room because I didn't want to be running in to two different rooms when the babies started crying. So we are going to paint half of the room blue and the other half pink, I am getting really excited about the room and of having my little pups in my arms soon.

We get home and they tell me to go rest and to be honest I do feel really tired, I lay down on my bed and I fall asleep before I even know it. Before the darkness takes over me I hear the ding of my phone, I reach for my phone to see a text from my grandma saying that she already gave my mates the ultrasound pictures and that when she got to the room they were play the video a sent Iris over and over again which brought a smile to me face, I thanked her and went to sleep.

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