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"Excuse me?"

She paused, Waiting for Zak to say something. Zak assumed that in a moment she would start laughing or say something along the lines of 'I always knew it' or 'I was waiting for you to tell me'.

But no.

She said nothing, looking Zak up and down with an unreadable face for what seemed like an eternity. She finally broke the silence with another question.

"You're gay?" She said flat out with a monotone voice, making it seem like a statement more than a question.

"Um- yeah." Zak responded, not knowing if she was happy or angry at this point.

"Get out of my house."

"Wh- what?" Zak wasn't sure if he was understanding what he was hearing right.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She said, much less calm this time, screaming in fact. Her face changed from blank to crimson red. She got ugly wrinkles between her eyebrows, and her eyes narrowed, showing her fury. She pointed her long, bony finger at the door.

"Out. NOW."

Zak began to walk up the stairs near the door, figuring that his only option was to leave, but he at least needed to gather his things.

"NO," his mother said firmly. "Get out of my goddamn house before I make you get out." She cornered Zak by the door, opening it with ease. "Out you go."

"But mom, I-" He was cut off by her shoving him out the door, pushing him to the ground. Zak's hand skidded across the concrete, ripping it up. He winced and inhaled sharply, before looking to see the damage. The base of his hand was bleeding slowly, not fatally or anything, but all of his skin was taken off and the sides where his skin started back up were jagged. He began to cry, not from the pain of his hand, as it was numb at the moment, but from the realization that he had just been kicked out by his own mother.

Knowing that he had nowhere to go, he began walking down the sidewalk to who knows where. He pulled out his now shattered phone and clicked on the contact of his best friend, Darryl.

The phone rang a few times until-

"Please leave your message after the to-" He didn't pick up. Next, Zak tried Vincent, only to get the same message. Zak knew that he really shouldn't- Zak knew that he didn't want to, but despite everything-

He picked up the phone and clicked on Clay's name.

420 words

The Day He Came Out (Skephalo)Where stories live. Discover now