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"Yes, I would love that."

Vincent took Zak in the senior's car back to his place for the night. The car ride was long and awkward, with neither of the boys wanting to mention what had just taken place.

When they finally arrived, Vincent's roommate was already home. Of course, Vince had already asked him about the situation and he had okay-d Zak staying there.

"Carter, this is Zak. Zak, this is my roommate Carter." Vincent gestured toward each of the boys as he said their names. They each did a one- wave an awkward greeting. Vince walked farther into the apartment and the Junior followed.

"You can sleep here." The Senior said, gesturing towards a couch. Zak sat his backpack contains his school supplies and what little items he possessed such as clothes and a toothbrush. He grabbed a blanket from the corner as the other two boys left the room. Zak settled down and went to sleep for the night.

The next day at school, Zak stayed to talk to Mr. Schumacher after class because Vincent had to go to the bathroom.

"I'm staying with Vince," he started the conversation. "He's letting me crash on his couch."

"That's really good, Zak!" The teacher sounded genuinely happy. Zak simply smiled in response. They both talked for another moment before Vince came back and they left.

"Bye Mr. S," the boys both said in sync as they left the room.

Today was a good day.

248 words

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