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But Zak's most alive moments were these few months.

Mr. S had decided that today was going to be the day he confronted Zak. He planned everything out in his head: how he was going to ask him to stay after class, what he would say, and how he would encourage him to talk to whoever would help solve whatever situation he might be in. He really just wanted Zak to start talking and letting out all his emotions once Mr. S said one thing so that the teacher wouldn't have to push or prod at the boy.

Meanwhile, Zak began to get ready in his janitor's closet. He was too lazy to take a shower last night, so he had to wake up early and take one today, making his hair all wet and firm. He put on his school spirit shirt and hoodie from the day he was kicked out and walked to the main room by his locker playing on his phone until the first bell rang.

Vincent had also recently been observing Zak enough to notice that something was wrong with him. He was determined to find out what it was, but he just didn't know how he would do it.

The three men began their days when the first bell rang; three of them prepared for it to be a long day, two of them ready for a confrontation, and one of them with a set plan in mind.

When 7th period finally rolled around, almost everyone in the school had forgotten their objectives for the day and just wanted to go home. But not Mr. Schumacher. He remembered.

As the class came to a close, the bell rang and Zak was passed out with his head on his desk. He was fast asleep, not getting much the night before. Everyone immediately scurried out of the room except Vincent, Zak, and Mr. S.

Vincent glanced at his teacher with a questioning look before mouthing, "Should I wake him up?" While pointing at his Junior friend.

Mr. S dismissed him out of the classroom, murmuring, "You can go; I have to speak with your friend here." Vincent simply nodded before going to the bathroom to stake out, knowing something was up.

Mr. Schumacher took a deep breath and reached under his desk.

388 words

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