Chapter Two: Help In Charms Class

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The next day we started classes; I had to go to Potions first with the Ravenclaw's; it was going to be weird not having Snape as our professor; hopefully this guy isn't annoying. Blaise and Goyle were by my side while Crabbe and Pansy were in an intense debate on who should've won the previous Quidditch Cup.

"Guys would you shut up already? I already have a headache; I don't need a migraine from you two" Parkinson pouted but stopped talking; Blaise hit me in the arm and glared at me.

"Quit being so harsh" I rolled my eyes,

"Oh just ask her out all ready" that earned another punch as I winced; we made it to potions and I saw the balding man already brewing up what we were going to make today.

I took my seat beside Blaise; Crabbe on my other side while Parkinson and Goyle were behind us. Soon, people began filing in the classroom; I caught a glimpse of Lovegood taking a seat across from our table before Slughorn turned and smiled towards us.

"Good Morning class! I am professor Slughorn and this is 6th year Potions" at least I won't have to share it with the Gryfindors.

"This year we are going to be covering a lot of Potions that you might've heard of at the end of last therm. Polyjuice Potion, Hiccuping Solution, Draught of Living Death, the list goes on. But, today we're going to start off easy; The Wit-Sharpening Potion. It helps the drinker think more clearly; lots of students make this right before an exam; that way they'll be able to remember more of their notes." I rested my head on my hand and looked away from Slughorn; I was already bored. But, I caught myself staring at Lovegood again; I don't know why my eyes keep going to her but I couldn't help it. she also had her head resting on top of her hand; her other hand playing with her quill. She bit her bottom lip when Slughorn said something and she opened up her textbook; writing down a couple of notes. Some of her hair fell in front of her and I watched as she swept it behind her ear; I could also see a little bit of rosy tint on her cheeks; it was really noticeable because of how fair she was.

"Mr. Malfoy if you could please open up your textbook and read Chapter 3 instead of staring at Ms. Lovegood; that would be greatly appreciated" I jumped and turned in my chair; seeing Slughorn standing right behind me. I blushed when I realized what he had said and turned towards Lovegood; seeing her staring at me curiously. There were a couple of chuckles from around the room but I soon stopped them with my glare. Slughorn shook his head and walked back up to his desk; sitting down and waiting for everyone to finish up the chapter.

I sighed and opened up my book; finishing the chapter within a couple of minutes. Once Slughorn realized this he had us start on the Wit-Sharpening Potion; if we got it right we could take it with us.

I grabbed my cauldron and went to find the ingredients; I needed Ginger Root, Armadillo Bile, and Ground Scarab Beetle.

I put the cauldron on the burner and let it boil; once it was at the point that I wanted I added in Ginger root; stirring until it was a lime green. I added in Armadillo Bile and mixed until it turned blue, and then finally added the beetle and mixed until it was red. So far I was quite happy with my work; everything was working out the way it said it was supposed to in the book.

I read the further instructions and realized that I needed more ingredients; I quickly grabbed more of the three ingredients before they were all taken. I added in Armadillo Bile and mixed until it turned yellow, added Ginger Root and mix until lime green, and added more armadillo bile and mixed until purple. Now, I had to let it simmer for ten minutes before adding in more Ginger root; I turned down the burner and let it simmer. It seemed that I was one of the firsts that was almost done. I looked around the room; trying to see if anyone else's looked like mine; I saw that Blaise' looked red; definitely forgot to add the Scarab Beetle; Pansy and Crabbe's were black; I'm not quite sure how they managed to do that; Goyle's was the best one out of all of them but it still had too pink of a colour.

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