⚠︎ Prologue ⚠︎

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Sam's Point Of View:

I swipe my finger against the screen as I scroll and tap through Instagram, seeming as I had nothing specific to do. The house was pretty quiet today and it all felt like a lazy day. That's until the announcement. Elton stood at the front of the stairs after walking out the garage where he had usually hung out at. "I need everyone down here!" He called out, and I looked over at him. Light whines and groans were heard all over as the rest of the roommates get forced into the gaming room; where I sat.

Corey plopped down on the couch next to me, Devyn plopped down on one of our many large love-sacs, while Aaron just stayed standing. Elton walked in after them and stood in the center of the small room. "As you've all known," he began, placing his foot on the edge of the table and leaning his weight on it. I shut off my phone and placed it aside. This must be serious.

"As you've all known," he said again. "a spare bedroom had been awfully neglected and unused in this house for quite a while now. Which is a great shame." He shook his head, making us laugh. I then raised an eyebrow and stared at him in curiosity. "Cut to the point!" Corey called out jokingly as he cupped his hands around his mouth as a speaker. We laughed lightly and nodded, agreeing with Corey.

Elton sighed and removed his foot off the table before glaring slightly at Corey. "An old friend of mine reached out to me a few days ago and asked if I knew any hotels near by. Of course, me being me, I offered him our spare room to stay in. He had to get away from home for specific reasons and had moved here to LA to do so." Elton explained, seeming a little bummed out now.

I looked over at Corey, our eyes meeting. We nodded a little and agreed on the situation. "That'd be great." I grinned, nodding lightly. With more people around, it could give the atmosphere a nice tension to it. Elton clapped his hands once and looked at us smiling. "Thank you guys for this. But I have to warn you," Elton continued. Oh, here we go.

"He's a little too mean at times but once you're on his good side, you'll get to love him by time. He is a trickster." Elton explained. So it's a he. Corey nudged me with his elbow, basically reading my thoughts; yet in a kinkier way. He wiggles his eyebrows up and down, making me huff and punch him in the shoulder. This is what I get for being truthful with everyone. In other words, I'm gay. Everyone seems to accept me and treat me no differently. Yet sometimes I wish I hadn't come out to them.

Apparently every boy I come into contact with, am supposedly his boyfriend. And it sucks. "Corey, leave the poor boy alone." Devyn sighed and I sent an appreciative smile. Corey pouted and glared over at Devyn playfully. I think having this new roommate around will be a good start for everyone.

Yet I had no clue what I'll be facing throughout..

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