Chapter 10: What's Wrong?

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Sam's Point Of View:

.."Everyone has reasons Corey. And I think I know Colby's." I spoke softly and looked his way, when suddenly the door was swung open..

I stiffened once I heard the faint footsteps approach but had fallen into relief once I realized it was only Devyn. "What are you guys doing?" She asked in curiosity as she trotted over. "Colby." Corey rolled his eyes, the words dripping like venom. Devyn sighed and shook her head in annoyance.

"I don't understand how rude a person can be." She frowned which shocked me since she was always the light of day. And coming from Devyn, I never expected her to act like this. Yet again, Colby has caused us trouble. I'll admit it, but there's a reason behind that.

"Let's forget about him. We can't just let one person ruin the entire day because of their 'issues'." And with that being said, the couple walked out leaving me with my thoughts. Maybe I'm overthinking this. Maybe they're right. All Colby is is trouble and going after him wouldn't do us any good, so might as well leave him be.

I stood up and walked out of the large, spacious room heading downstairs. About to walk into the kitchen, I was grabbed and taken into the party room. "Oh, hey Elton." I said in shock after not seeing him for so long. He's either in the garage or out filming a week long video for his YouTube channel; TFIL.

"How's he doing? Colby?" He sighed and crossed his arms a little. I could tell he was worried because he did warn us about Colby. Yet again he doesn't really know what Mr. Grumpy is causing. "He's.. He's doing good." I smiled and patted his shoulder comfortingly.

Elton's done so much for us and was pretty excited to have Colby here, the last thing I want is for him to worry. "I'm glad. I know he's rude and a bitch sometimes but.." he trailed off with a sigh. "He's gone through so much, Sam. The least I could do is give him a welcoming home." He continued with a weak smile. "Wow.." I said above a whisper which he didn't seem to hear.

He patted my arm lightly before heading off. Yet all that new information brings me back, once again, to my thoughts.

I descend the spiral flight of stairs, hair wet and body fresh after a long, but worth it, shower. I pulled my phone off of charge and headed into the gaming room. Through out that though, I spotted the one and only sitting near the pool, legs dipped into the freezing water as he stares into the distance.

"What are you doing Colby?" I sighed to myself and walked out to confront him. I shut the sliding glass door after me and walk over quietly. "What are you-" I began but was cut off by the constant tears streaming down his face. That made my heart hurt.

I sat down beside him and hugged him tightly. I don't care if he doesn't like me or pushes me away. I wanna help. He hesitated for a few moments before leaning into my arms and allowing me to hug him.

"What's wrong?" I whispered out and tried to hold back the tears that threatened to leave my eyes as well. I hated seeing people cry, especially when I know I can somehow help. No matter the person, whether it was the worst person alive or the sweetest one in existence, I couldn't help but cry myself.

"I was abused." And with that, the night began..

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