Chapter 1: Meeting Him

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Sam's Point Of View:

I ran a hand threw my hair, straightening up the loose stands and styling it into a neater hairstyle. I then slipped on my daily rings and threw on some cologne before walking out my room. I walked down the stairs, finding a little too quiet. I spotted Corey in the kitchen and walked over. "What's going on?" I questioned, looking around a little confused.

"I met the new roommate." He began, not even glancing up at me as he stirred around the eggs. He's here already? "I don't like'm." He said again, the upset tone in his voice clearly evident. I let out a sigh and ran a hand through my blond bangs out of habit. "Maybe he's like this for a reason, Corey. We can't judge him from the first day." I lectured softly as I poured myself a glass of milk.

Corey sighed while nodding and poured his eggs on the plate filled with already cooked up bacon. "Where is everyone anyways?" I asked confused since all I could here was the sound of bubbling eggs and our chattering. "Elton's out with Colby getting furniture for his room and Devyn is out shopping with Aaron." He spoke simply and sat down at the table.

Colby. That must be him. I nodded lightly and pushed away from the kitchen island and seating ahead of Corey. We sat in awkward silence for a good while, until we heard a car pull in. That must be Devyn and Aaron. I stood up and walked over, knowing I'll have to help with the amount of bags Devyn would've brought with her.

I swung the door open, the bright sunlight blinding me a little before Aaron's tall figure blocked it off. Benefit of having a tall friend. "Hey guys." I greeted, my face dropping once I spotted the dozens of bags Devyn brought in from various stores in the mall. "How do you even need all that stuff?!" I exclaimed in shock making her laugh.

I helped them in, shaking my head lightly. This girl. "Well, I had to get my mind of things." She spoke, her bright smile dropping the slightest. "Colby?" I questioned and they both nodded. Why does everyone make him seem like a bad guy? Is he that cruel?

I ignored it and decided to lighten up the mood for everyone. "Come show me what mall you bought." I joked making her chuckle and smile innocently. Aaron headed upstairs after greeting Corey and I was left to Devyn. I didn't really mind though. Soon, Corey joined us as well and plopped down on the couch next to us.

"Guys, we're back!" Elton's voice rang through the house making me perk a little. I'm not sure why, but I seemed a little too excited to meet the new roommate. Devyn sent me a small nod and I sent a reassuring smile. I stood up, stuffing my phone in my back pocket before looking over. That's when my heart skipped a beat.

Alongside Elton stood a brunette, red bangs dangling lightly on his forehead and giving a pop to his piercing blue eyes. His fingers were coated with unusual rings and ahis clothing was a little too dark. Black ripped jeans along with a black hoodie and black vans. His jeans had white straps in various places and had one end of a handcuff cuffed through the belt loop. He was gorgeous.

His eyes soon met mine, a smirk dancing onto his plump lips. I walked forward after snapping out of my trance, and put out my hand. "Sam Golbach." I smiled, wanting to get on is 'good side'. He grabbed my hand and shook it. "Colby Brock." He grinned widely.

I looked around a little and noticed everyone had a smile on their faces. Yet they seemed fake. They're doing this for Elton. Elton smiled seeing us get along and walked off to the garage, saying he had editing to do. The rest of the roommates also scattered away, leaving me with Colby.

"I'll show you to your room." I offered and began walking, spotting an eye roll from him. I ignored it and carried up the stairs and down the hall where both our bedrooms and shared bathroom lay. "Here you go. My room is right across yours if you need me." I smiled and opened up the door to his new room. He muttered something under his breath before walking in.

What's his deal?

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