Chater 12: Handcuffs

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Colby's Point Of View:

I sit on one of the bar stools, a glass of alcohol in my hand as I swirl it around. I wasn't one to drink but I had to get my mind off of a certain person. It's been a few days away from Sam and the rest and I can't help this feeling of loneliness scratching at my heart.

Although I was a dick towards Sam, I still enjoyed his company. Even if he did annoy me at times. He was nice to talk to and rant about my horrifying past. To this day, I get flashbacks and memories. Memories of my father's belt connecting with my back and the cigarette he used to put out, using me as his personal ashtray.

He was a monster. But if I have to confess, I might've stretched the truth a bit. I didn't move away, I ran away instead. I just couldn't handle the abuse anymore but once Elton offered me a place to stay, I knew I had to take it.

Yet what he didn't mention, until later, was the fact that I'd be living with roommates. One of them being Sam. The moment my eyes landed on his bright smile, I knew he would be a perky burden. But then again, I thought he was beautiful.

And due to my moronic efforts, I had decided to be the dick I am. His friends hated me instantly but I didn't mind it at the time. Yet fate had to change, and as time passed by I realized I might've ruined the only chance of making proper friends.

A strong hit to the face knocked me out of my trance, literally, causing me to tumble down, the glass in my hand shattering against the bar's ground. I grunted as the guy straddled me and threw punches here and there, leaving me bloody. It was painful but the little drunk feeling in me took away part of the pain.

A crowd formed around us as I tried to fight him off, managing to knee him in the crotch. He let out a groan of pain but wrapped his hands around my throat, pinning me down. I squirmed and kicked him in the stomach this time, successfully getting him off. I went to hit him again but the bar had assumingely called the cops.

"You little-" The sounds of sirens cut me off as officers ran in and pulled us away. The one holding me forced my hands behind my back and cuffed them tightly before lifting me up with a sneer.


Sam's Point Of View:

I let out a sigh as I scroll through my phone, the atmosphere feeling dim and sad. The house was now quiet without the bickering of Corey's complains, the
music that was usually blasted from the bathroom was now gone, and Colby's cocky comments were also dearly missed.

I don't know why but I've sort of missed his cocky comments. His presence in general. I knew Colby was a good guy but he did have bad intentions. Then again, he has a reason. He hurts others so he doesn't get hurt first.

"What did you do, Colby?" Elton suddenly groaned making me perk in worry. "What's wrong?" I asked quickly, watching as Elton grabbed his keys and shoes. "Colby just got arrested." The words made my heart drop and I quickly got up, hurrying over.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed, slipping on my shoes. Yet when a firm hand was placed on my shoulder, I stopped. "I think you've done enough damage, Sam." He frowned making me scoff and shrug his hand off.

"Well Elton, if you were actually here to notice, Colby's the one who had caused us damage. Not me. I've been the nicest to him out of all of us so don't go accusing me out of people." I snapped and walked out of the house in disbelief..

"Mr. Brock." An officer's voice called out and we stood up almost instantly. The drive here was uncomfortable and quite awkward but after I basically snapped at Elton, it was likely to be this way.

Elton and I were escorted away to meet Mr. Troublesome. I let out a sigh as we walk through a specific hall, Colby's holding cell just around the corner. The sight made me bit a laugh though. There, laid Colby on one of the hard metal beds, a rubber ball in his hand as he bounces it on the ceiling and catches it.

"Mr. Brock, you have some company." The guard who escorted us said as he sent Colby a narrowed glare. With that, he left leaving only us three. Colby sighed once he spotted me and got out of bed, approaching. I kept a stern face as I looked at him with a slight sigh.

"I didn't do anything-" "Oh shut it." Elton spat leaving both Colby and I in utter shock. Did I trigger something? "Elton. Calm down." I nudged himbut he just rolled his eyes. "Please don't tell me it was drugs." I plead and wrapped my fingers around the bars, my stern facade dropping a little as I looked at Colby. Colby chuckled and shook his head.

"It wasn't drugs, pipsqueak." He smiled, making my heart flutter despite the annoying comment he just sent. I felt myself ease up a little and let out the breath I had obliviously held in.

"Let's get you back home, Colby."

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