Chapter 8: Vulnerability

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Colby's Point Of View:
WARNING: Abuse, harsh words

I was shoved into my room harshly causing my steps to stumble and fall down onto the marbled ground that worsened the fall. "You never learn. You're too weak and pathetic." My father spat as he took his coat off, throwing it to the side.

I cried silently and held in my sobs of fear and pain; it would only get me in much more trouble. He took of his watch and then began to unbuckle the leathery-brown belt that would soon meet with my skin. "F-Father, p-please." I spoke just above a whisper as more tears leaked from my eyes. Why won't he love me?

He pushed me to my knees roughly, my back facing him and already bare after he had ripped it off. A sharp gasp escaped my lips, interrupting my cries, once a strong pain stung at my back that arched in literal agony along with my scream. Slash, then another, then another.

"I will not dare call you my son!" He screamed and whipped me once more. Yet the words hurt worse than my beating. My abuse. What pains me most is the fact that my father was the closest person to me. He had been there for me whenever I was sad or hurt. He was basically my best friend.

But all good things came to an end, and my mother left him. And she left me with him. He started off with drinking and harsh words, which made me sad. I remember coming home after a long day at school, excited to finally be back with my father. He promised me a game of play station then and I was overly excited to play with him. He was always busy.

But that day was when he yelled at me the moment I stepped foot inside my home. Mother had called a divorce while I was at school so I was oblivious at the time. Throughout the days he began yelling more and drinking even more. I was so heartbroken. 'W-What's wrong d-dad?' I had asked with that small voice of mine.

He did reply. But with a harsh slap that stung at my cheek. I was so confused, so lost, so sad. I was so young. But now it's gets us back to here.

"I feel ashamed to have you as my child!" He screamed and only whipped me more until I was a sobbing, and bloody mess. "You were just a mistake!-"

I sat up with a chocked gasp as tears streamed down my face along with the sweat in my hair. In this moment, as tears and sobs escaped me, I felt vulnerable. I felt weak and emotionally pained as I brought my knees into my chest and shook harshly.

In this moment, I needed comfort..

Sam's Point Of View:

I jumped out of bed, swinging my room door open and rushing into Colby's room. I had woken up to sobbing and screaming but the rest didn't seem to wake up. Not that I think. Either way, I couldn't care less.

I pushed through Colby's room door, the sight of him curled up and sobbing breaking my heart. I shut the door and hurried to his side, panicking. I didn't know what to do. Going with the only thing I thought I can do, I sat down next to him and pulled him into a tight hug as I tried to calm his shaking body.

I repositioned my seating and pulled him into my chest, shushing him gently. I could feel tears filling my own eyes as I listened to his slowly calming sobs and shaky breaths. Why do I have to be so kind-hearted sometimes? I just let him cry into me and ran a gentle hand through his hair to try and calm him down.

I had so many questions I needed answers to. But I needed to make sure he was alright first. I looked down at Colby a little, still feeling as he wasn't calm enough. So I did something I never thought I would.

Leaning back a little, I laid down on the bed and let him lay down next to me as I kept my comforting hug on him. "It's alright, Colby. It's alright." I whispered and kept running my hand through his hair until he fell back asleep.

I didn't want to make it awkward for him the next day so I carefully stood up and wiped away his tears once I was certain he was asleep. God, I feel so bad. I removed his bangs out of his face and laid his black sheets over him before heading to my room.

What happened to you Colby?

((Thank you so much for 1k!!! Omg I love you alll!😭)

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