Chapter 15: Lazy Mornings

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Sam's Point Of View:

Grazing the tip of my fingers across his bare chest, I lay in bed next to Colby with the soft light seeping through the windows and his soft breathing calming me down. I shuffled closer and laid my head on his chest, now listening to his soothing heartbeat.

"This is odd." I whispered as I drew imaginary circles on his stomach and chest. "What is?" He asked huskily and looked down at me in curiosity. "Well, first you wanted nothing to do with me, and now here we are." I felt myself smile as I looked up to meet his sparking blue eyes.

He just smiled and pecked my lips before dropping his head back on the pillow as he stared at the ceiling in thought. "I always thought you were so beautiful, Sam." He spoke suddenly making me blush and whine a little. "Still do." He chuckled and cupped my cheek while caressing it.

"You're not so bad yourself, Brock." I smirked making him chuckle. We laid in a little more silence until he uttered "I never thought you'd agree; being with me." I sighed lightly and threw my leg over him so I was now on top. He let out a breathy grunt once I put my weight on him, and looked up at me with affectionate eyes.

"I wasn't sure about my feelings about you until days ago either." I chuckled and laid down on him while hugging him. "Is that so?" He raised an eyebrow and slid his hands to my waist, under the covers that covered our bottom halves. "Mhm." I nodded and squeaked once he drew back my boxer band and let it go against my skin.

I scowled at him as he laughed and pecked my lips. After laying in bed lazily for another hour or so, I decided to head down to the roommates so they won't get suspicious since Colby was up here too. I wasn't quite ready to address this relationship to them yet. They hate Colby enough; I don't want it to get worse.

I slipped on my shirt, making sure it went well with the attire, and combed my hair with my fingers before heading downstairs. Colby wanted to stay up a little and insisted he'll join us after. I took that as a good thing since it would make the situation less suspicious.

"Morning." I smiled once I reached the least step, spotting Devyn and Corey in the kitchen and Elton and Jake in the game room. "Well it's about time." Corey rolled his eyes playfully making me chuckle. He slid me a bowl of cereal and I grabbed the milk from the fridge before pouring it in my breakfast.

Corey eyed me as I ate, an eyebrow raised as he stared me down. "What?" I questioned through my food making Devyn smack the back of my head. "Shut your mouth when you eat." She lectured making Corey laugh. I glared at her once before she walked into the gaming room with the rest.

"Why are you so cheery today?" He asked before I can get time to change the subject. I chocked on my food before successfully swallowing and patting my chest. Corey's laughter died down and he sighed in amusement while I just rolled my eyes and wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"So, what is it?" He pressured. "Nothing. I guess it's just a good day for me." I shrugged knowing 100% that that was a lie. I was happy because I was finally with Colby. Because I have a boyfriend that has made me the happiest I've ever been in a while.

Corey narrowed his eyes a little before shrugging and walking into the gaming room. I followed after as well and plopped down on the love sac that consumed my body cozily.

Footsteps descending the stairs cut off our laughter and smiles and we looked over to spot my boyfriend. Well in their case, Colby. I held back the urge to just run up and kiss him, and just stared down at my phone. Corey and Jake rolled their eyes, Elton glared at him ad Devyn just seemed to be in thought.

Once Devyn and Corey left the room the last time we talked, Devyn wanted to hear my side of the story. She just didn't want to upset Corey by taking my side so she acted like she didn't care. I told her what Colby had gone through in the past and how good of a person he really is. Though I kept out the crush I had on him and now the relationship.

I wouldn't want to expose our relationship until I know that Colby's ass is safe from any beatings the rest might throw his way. I was basically that little one of the house. Everyone has to make sure I'm always happy and safe at all times. So no doubt they'd beat Colby black and blue if they found out.

It's my job to keep Colby safe from my roommates and safe from harm. I feel like a body guard..

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