Chapter 7: More Than You Know

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Sam's Point Of View:

I stare up at the ceiling in thought, wishing I would just fall asleep already. But it was a little hard when I had guilt filling me to the brim. It's something I shouldn't feel bad about considering the things Colby had caused us, but I was still guilty.

I wanted to apologize badly but knew he'd either lock me out or just ignore me. He might even lash out and punch me but I still wanted to apologize. I actually enjoyed the little talk we had during his nice moment and I wanted more of that.

I want to know more about him. I want to actually meet him. But I can't if he's constantly scaring and pushing us away. I let out a small huff and sat up straight feeling a little too confident. That'll change soon enough thought. I slipped on my flip-flops and walked out of my room. I headed straight for Colby's door and listened quietly hearing the faint sound of music.

It was midnight; why was he still up? I gently knocked on the door and heard some shuffling then complete silence. I wrapped my fingers around the door handle, about to walk in but it was swung open for me. Colby stood at the door way, shirt off and exposing his toned abs along with the muscles I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of.

But I was soon snapped out of it once he rolled his eyes and began shutting the door until I placed my hand on it to stop it. "What do you want?" He huffed, cold eyes glaring down at me. I avoided it and fumbled with my fingers a little as I tried not to blush. He was oddly close.

"I.." I began but trailed off not knowing exactly what to say. "If you have nothing to say then go away and stop bothering me." He growled lowly probably not to wake the rest up. "B-But I do have something to say." I spoke before he could shut the door in my face once again.

I heard a little more shuffling before he reopened door, now wearing a tank top that showed some but not too much skin. I walked in a little gratefully and looked around his room. It was oddly plain. But I assumed he wasn't much for decorations.

Colby shut the door and leaned against it with crossed arms. "What do you want Golbach?" He sneered a little making me sigh and face him. "I-I.. I just wanted to ask i-if you needed help with a-anything." I stammered, backing down on just blurting our my pathetic apology.

He pushed away from the door and nodded a little. "I'm fine and was even better before you came so head out." He said, his words dripping with hatred and annoyance. I looked at him a little hurt. "A-Alright." I whispered after letting out a dreading sigh. I wish I had the guts to tell him so easily. Now, he kind of scared me.

I slumped my shoulders a little and opened the door to walk out. But apparently Colby had his own different plan. Shutting the door back, Colby turned me around to face him and pushed me against it. "What were you really here for, Sam? Huh?" He asked lowly, slowly as he towered over me.

I raised my hands to push him back a bit but he only held me tighter. I winced a little at the strength of his hold on me but he seemed to notice cause he let it loose soon after. "I-I.. n-nothing." I stuttered as I looked up at him with slight fear but also some anger I couldn't let out.

He hummed and shook his head. "You're not good at lying, pipsqueak." He chuckled and my heart fluttered a little. But it soon dropped once his icy glare returned on me. He was trying to use fear against me so I'd speak. And it was currently working.

As I stared into the blue eyes that held hatred and anger, I noticed them darken a little more and searchthrough mine. And that's what got me to speak.

"I-I wanted to a-apologize!" I whimpered out a little, unintentionally. His expression changed into confusion as he leaned back the slightest. "Apologize?" He questioned and his harsh expression calmed. But it was still clearly there.

"F-For hurting you." I whispered as I lifted his shirt lightly. He caught my wrist though and stopped me from doing so. "I just want to see." I whispered as I looked up into his eyes. He stared into mine for a while as well before his grip loosened and he allowed me to see.

A small purple-ish blue bruise was forming on his side, slowly beginning to spread. "I'm sorry." I whispered as I lightly caressed it with my fingers.

He pushed back making my hand drop and just let out a small huff. "I've been hurt more than you can imagine. You don't know anything about me, blondie." He shook his head but I could hear the evident pain in his voice.

"Then let me learn more about you. I-I know this isn't who you are, Colby. Please." I spoke with hope as I stepped a little closer to him. But he just backed away. He nodded the slightest before simply getting into bed and facing his back to me..

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