Chapter 18: Arguments

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Sam's Point Of View:

My night with Colby was amazing, and it just added up to how good of a guy he is. He was gentle with me, sweet and always cautious for my consent. But not only that. He's done so much for me these past weeks and I've seen the way he's allowed his good side to dominate him.

But what made my heart flutter was the words that never seemed to leave my mind the moment he uttered them out. 'I love you.' Felt complete; I felt happy. And I couldn't help but smile whenever they ring in my ears.

I looked up at Colby, my smile unable to disappear as he looks down at me. "I love you too, Colby." I whispered, catching him off guard. "Y-You do?" He stammered, a tiny smile tugging at his lips. I smiled and leaned in, kissing him. "Of course I do. And I always will." I whispered, resting my forehead against his.

He grinned widely and grabbed by jaw, kissing me passionately. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, forcing myself up on him. I gasped one his hands confidently found my waist and pulled me up on his lap.

He took the chance to shove his tongue into my mouth, French kissing me before I realized we were till in the gaming room. I broke the kiss instantly and placed my smaller hands on his chest, pushing him back. He looked at me confused and chased for my lips but I pushed him back with a shake of my head.

"Not here, we might get caught." I explained and he pouted like a small child not allowed to have ice cream before dinner. I chuckled and got off his lap, spotting the slight tent in his joggers. He laughed nervously and scratched his neck making me roll my eyes with a smile. Such a horny boy.

Colby stood up soon after and wrapped his arms around me, resting his hands on my stomach. "Colby." I whined once he laid his head on my shoulder with his lip popped out. I shook my head and removed his hands. "Not here." I said a little more stern, moving away.

I walked into the kitchen with Colby following, a sigh escaping his lips. The roommates were all out at the moment but will be back before we know it. And I couldn't risk them finding out about us and hurting Colby. Wether it was physical or verbal harm.

I grabbed a loaf of bread along with the peanut butter jar, begging to spread it around. Colby's eyes lit up a slight and he walked closer. Once my sandwich was done, I took a bite but fore I could even chew it, a pair of lips met mine and a pair of firm hands grabbed my waist.

I groaned and pulled away, fed up with Colby's childish actions. "Stop, Colby." I demanded, glaring at him upset. "Come on Sam, I won't get killed for heaven's sake." He groaned as well, throwing his head back in annoyance.

"No, but you'll get hurt. I told you this before-" "And I get that but I can take care of myself, Sam!" He cut me off, exclaiming at the end. "Don't yell at me, Colby." I huffed, jabbing a finger at his chest. He rolled his eyes and removed my hand away.

"I'm not yelling, you're just over dramatic." He huffed and my eyes widened. "I'm worried! Can't you appreciate?!" I exclaimed in shock and facepalmed. "No. You're doing this for your sake, not mine." With just those words being uttered out, I scoffed and stomped away feeling my heart a little down.

How could he think I don't care? That's the only reason I hadn't announced our relationship to the roommates. I've got nothing to lose except Colby.

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