Chapter 5: Pipsqueak

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Sam's Point Of View:

I eyed the cigarette in Colby's hand and watched as he took in a few puffs and let it out in the air. I coughed lightly and swatted it away. He laughed and offered it to me, making me scrunch my face a little. "Come on pipsqueak. Give it a try." He pried but I shook my head. "No thanks. I'm alright." I pushed his hand away making him sigh in annoyance.

"You won't die from one puff." He spoke again, looking at me with raised eyebrows. I let out a sigh and took it from his fingers, our skin accidentally touching. I blushed a little and brought the cigarette to my lips. "Just take in a small puff but don't inhale it fully." He ordered an I nodded a little. What is this boy doing to me.

I did as told and took in a puff before letting it out in a cough. He chuckled lightly and swatted the smoke before taking it back. "That's horrible." I coughed and he shrugged. We sat in a comfortable silence as we stared up at the stars. Until I broke it. "Why are you out here Colby?" I asked, looking over at him this time.

He looked at me a little before taking in another puff. "Had to clear my head." He replied, putting out the cigarette on the ground. I nodded lightly and swayed my legs in the water. My thoughts kept coming back to Colby's bruises. What could have caused them? Or who in this case?

"Do you miss your parents?" I suddenly asked, a little too curious for his liking. He burst out laughing and leaned back on his hands. "My mother left me at the age of 14 and my father became a drunk because of it." He scoffed, shaking his head lightly. Yet I could tell he left something out. "I-I'm sorry." I spoke sadly, looking down. It's really hard not having your at such a young age.

"Don't be, blondie. They never cared about me anyways." He shook his head, standing up and walking away.

((Next Day))

I walk out my room, stretching lightly and letting out a yawn. I heard some stomping footsteps up the steps as smiled lightly spotting Colby. "Morning-" "Get out of my way." He sneered, pushing me away and walking into his room. I stared at the door in shock and blink a little. I shook it away and continued down the steps and walked into the gaming room where everyone sat. Yet they seemed upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows, walking in. They all rolled there eyes and sighed. "Colby's what's wrong." Devyn sighed, the rest nodding. "He's been acting like a dick since morning and I just can't with him!" She exclaimed again. "He's constantly pushing us away and being rude! Like what's his deal!" She screamed, demon as she'd had enough.

Corey quickly calmed her down but she was still pretty angry. "He has scars all over his back." I whispered, looking up at them. "What?" Corey raises an eyebrow, pausing his game. Seeming intrigued. "He has scars and whip marks coating his back. I-I think he was abused." I whispered and my eyes glossed at that.

I've been thinking a lot about it over the right. And it all returns back to being abused. Lie that why he's like that?" Devyn gasped, placing a hand over her mouth in shock and guilt. I nodded lightly and looked down. "But that's no excuse, Sam." Aaron shook his head and the rest nodded. He is partially right.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. What are we going to do?

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