Chapter 16: Liar

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Sam's Point Of View:

"Are you sure you'll be fine with him?" Elton questioned, his eyebrows curled into a frown and his state seeming at unease. "Yes Elton. He won't hurt me." I shook my head assuringly making him sigh. "Are you sure you can't come?" Corey piped in too.

"Yes. Even if I do tag along, I won't be as into it as I should be." I lied, just really wanting to be alone with my boyfriend. "Alright. Take care and call me instantly if-" "if he does anything to me. Got it." I continued the sentence and sent an assuring smile.

He patted my shoulder and joined the rest in the car. The guys had to take a trip to the wild with some of Elton's other friends for his video video. At time like these I was really thankful and now was one of them. I waved the rest goodbye knowing I'll see them in a duration of two days or so.

I shut the door with hidden excitement and practically ran up the stairs. I ran into our room looking for Colby but he apparently found me first. Colby grabbed my waist with his firm hands, lifting me a little and pulling me to him. "You're so cute when you're excited." He chuckled making me blush had hide my face.

He chuckled again and took me to the bed before laying me down on it. He climbed on top of me before I can sit up, and kissed my lips. I smiled and grabbed his cheeks in my hands, placing more and more kisses onto his lips. He grinned through each one and allowed me to continue.

I lay in bed, phone in hand and scrolling through Instagram while I wait for Colby to finish his shower. Being the horny boy he is, Colby asked if I wanted to join in, indirectly telling me he wanted to fuck. I chuckled at the thought and shook my head before returning to Instagram.

Suddenly, the ding of a phone went off along with another and another after. I pulled down my scroll bar and surely it wasn't mine. I furrowed my eyebrows a little and spotted Colby's phone on the bed side table. I rolled over and grabbed it before sitting up.

3 Unread Messages

Caroline Sparks

Hi baby it's been so long! How ya been?

I furrowed my eyebrows at the word 'baby' and kept scrolling. I don't want to jump into conclusions.

Caroline Sparks

Last time was amazing. I'm looking forward
to seeing you😉

Caroline Sparks

Meet me tonight at 8. Love you babe 😘

Tears stream down my face as I drop the phone in my hand, my heart aching and my thoughts rising at what I just experienced. I trusted him. And he used me. He lied to me. And all for what?

The bathroom door was swung open, letting the steam escalate into the air around. Colby walked into the room, holding his handful of dirty loathes and tossing them in the hamper. "Hey baby-" Colby began but cut himself up the moment he spotted me.

He dropped everything and ran to my side in split seconds. "Hey, hey, hey what happened?" He panicked in worry, gently grabbing me and pulling me into him. I got out of his grasp and did the unexpected. I slapped him. "You happened." I spat and stomped put of the room, cheeks stained and heart broken.

"S-Sam! Wait!" I could here Colby yell after me as I began walking away. I wiped my tears with a sob and swung the door open before walking out. "Sam stop." Colby demanded and grabbed my wrists. I tugged at them but he only tightened his grasp, still being careful though.

I looked up at him in tears, shaking my head. I should've known. I should've known that I can never be truly loved. "She's nothing to me, Sam. She's my ex and I've never talked to her the moment we broke up." He began explaining himself, yet I was scared this would just be another lie of his.

"I would never hurt you like she hurt me, Sam." He whispered, shaking his head lightly. I could see the genuine pain in his eyes as he said that.

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