Chapter 9: Behind Our Actions

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Sam's Point Of View:

The next day was sorta unexpected but also expected. Colby had returned to his usual harsh and rude self leaving me a little disappointed. I thought after yesterday he would've at least eased up on the bad facade. Turns out I was wrong.

He had neglected me for most of the day, and when we did meet he'd shove me out of the way with low mutters. And I was certain they weren't mutters of 'thank you' or 'I appreciate your comfort sam'. I gave up after that knowing he won't change anytime soon. But what if it happened again? The nightmares?

That's was what I wasn't certain about. I knew I'd be there for him if he went through them again. I knew I'd be by his side almost instantly, only wanting him calm and not scared. I didn't know what his nightmares were about but I've been trying to link things together.

For one, his back was littered with cuts and bruises. Some where old, like scars, and others were only now healing. Then a certain person popped into my head. Mason Perkins. Mason was a really good friend of mine that had gone through brutal abuse and almost death because of it. Throughout time he became rude and careless just like Colby.

And eventually he distanced himself from me. He became just as distant and harsh like Colby is but I hoped that wouldn't have been the reason of his nightmares. Mason had also gone through the nightmares; almost every night. He said they weren't nightmares but only memories of his past. Memories he had to constantly go through until he had had enough and killed himself.

And that brings us back to Colby. The scars on his back didn't seem that new and couldn't have been done by himself. So I was certain he wasn't cutting. His wrists and thighs (from what I had discretely seen) were also clean of any scars or cuts. So he hadn't fallen into depression; I assume.

As I continued to think things through my world of detective intentions and breaking the code, I was cut off of that when Corey threw a pillow at my face. I sent him a glare but it softened once I noticed his worried expression. "What's up, dude? You seem really out of it today." He said with furrowed eyebrows and then I noticed he had his game paused. This must be serious.

I let out a sigh and shook my head. "Nothing, just thinking." I replied. I really was thinking, but not the happy thoughts that usually filled my mind. He stared at me for quiet a while, reading me like a book before standing up. He placed down his game controller and grabbed my arm before pulling me up.

Before I can retort, he began dragging me away and towards his and Devyn's bedroom.

"Explain." Was all he said after shutting the door and blocking my escape with crossed arms. I let out a sigh knowing I had no chance out of this, and motioned him towards the bed. Seeming as it was the only other furniture in his room despite the vanity-table him and Devyn shared.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and crossed my legs under me. Corey joined me too but kept his legs out. It felt like two girls about to gossip over something so serious like a crush or something.

He raised an eyebrow and waited for me to begin. "I just.. I'm worried about Colby, Corey." I sighed making him roll his eyes and huff. "He's all but trouble Sam. You shouldn't feel anything but hate towards him." He shook his head making me frown. "You know I can't do that, Corey." I objected making him roll his eyes.

"Everyone has reasons Corey. And I think I know Colby's." I spoke softly and looked his way, when suddenly the door was swung open..

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