Chapter 4: Reliving My Past

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Sam's Point Of View:

I let out a shaky breath as I creep down the stairs, hearing some shuffling and footsteps. I continued down and stopped abruptly once I received a notification, automatically turning my phone and blinding me. I muttered out profanities and and lowered the brightness before shutting it off. I continued walking until I spotted a figure out in the back yard.

The moment I began getting closer, my heart dropped. Colby sat at the edge of the pool, cigarette between his fingers with bruises littering his back. But they seemed old. Burn marks also covered his back along with faded whip lashes and scars. Who did this to him? Deciding to not question since it could be personal, I walked out casually and held back the urge to pull him into a tight hug.

"Hey." I whispered softly, making him jump a little. He greeted me nevertheless and scooched over. "Why you up so late, pipsqueak?" He questioned, taking a puff of smoke and reading it in the air. "Couldn't sleep." I lied and sat down near him. What happened to you Colby?

Colby's Point Of View:
(Before He Walked Down)
WARNING: Abuse, profanities

A scream of utter agony escapes my lips as the leather belt comes in contact with my burning flesh; again and again and again. "You little faggot! You cost me your mother!" My father screamed and reconnected the belt onto my back that arched in pain. "I-I'm sorry f-father!" I cried out, feeling the pain soar through my body.

He scoffed, throwing the belt to the side and pulling out a cigarette. He lit up and took a few puffs as I sobbed on the ground. "This'll make you remember." He spat, pressing the lit part of the cigarette onto my back making a bloody scream escape my bleeding lips. "Shut it you little shit!" He yelled, slapping me across the face.

He grabbed his belt and ordered me to bite down on it. I refused; big mistake. He slapped the belt across my face harshly, the metal part colliding with my skin, drawing even more blood. "Bite down!" He screamed, grabbing a fist-full of my hair. I bit down on the belt weakly, tears blurring my vision and coating my cheeks. There's no one to save me.

Another scream escaped me muffled as he burned me with his cigarette over and over again. "You are the reason she left! Because you had to be the faggot you are!" He yelled out, his words scarring me more than the whip lashes and burn marks he formed on me. How could my own father have the heart to do this to his son?

"You're nothing to me!-"

I jolt up with a gasp as tears streameddown my face harshly, my heart rate faster than it's supposed to. I look around panting, everything being blurry to me. I wiped my eyes and ran my hands down my face as I try to calm down my breathing. Yet I felt trapped.

I slowly got out of bed and headed out my room to the bathroom. Once in, I splash cold water on my face and lean on my arms as I take in deep breaths. One would think it was just a dream. But sadly in my case, it was a memory. A memory I constantly have to relive whenever I shut my eyes.

I let out a shaky breath and quietly walk downstairs, grabbing my pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I run a hand through my hair and walk out to the pool, sitting down on the edge. I pulled out a cigarette from the pack, and put it in my mouth. I lit it up and took in a few puffs, eventually calming down. I hate that this is what gets my mind off my past. I hate that this is the life I get to deal with.

Hearing a little shuffling behind me, I looked over spotting Sam. "Hey.."

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