Chapter 2: Morning Attitude

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Sam's Point Of View:

I make my way down the stairs, my hair sticking in different directions and my eyes barley open. I rubbed my eyes lightly and looked up at the clock; 6:34 am. I groan out a little and spotted Colby in the kitchen, joggers hanging dangerously low on his waist and a white tank top, showing off his muscles. Am I seriously checking him out right now?

I shook my head lightly and walked over. With his shuffling and loud bangs, I'm surprised he didn't wake up the rest like he did to me. "What are you doing?" I yawned out, frowning his way. He turned around slightly and rolled his eyes. "None of your business pipsqueak. Head back to bed." He huffed, I raised an eyebrow.

It's six thirty in the morning so don't expect a sweet attitude from me. "I would if you weren't so loud." I glared, crossing my arms against my chest. "Uh oh. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He laughed while stirring at the eggs. I sniffled the air a little and surely he was burning them. I walked over and pushed him aside a bit, asking the used utensils.

He looked down at me with a raised eyebrow as I stirred the eggs lightly, adding the needed spices and some salt. I shut off the fire and placed the eggs on the plate, patting his chest before walking away. I felt his gaze on me as I walked making me smirk a little. If thinks I'm going to let all that attitude slide then he's surely wrong.

You give me attitude, I'll give you one back. I'm not as sweet as I look.

I plopped down on the couch, grabbing my phone and clicking it on. I searched through my twitter and Instagram curious to what I'll see today. Hey, maybe even some tea..

"I'm heading out for a while." Colby called out and grabbed Elton's keys, seeming as he had permission to use them. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Corey who shrugged and returned to his game, Rocket League. Once the house door shut, both Aaron and Devyn let out a sigh of relief.

"What's up?" I asked, looking at them a little confused. Corey sighed as well and spoke for them. "I don't know man, he just seems like a bully." He shook his head as he stared at the screen, I furrowed my eyebrows. "How so?" I asked again. "He just.. he just seems really mean and stubborn." Devyn piped in as well. I mean, they weren't wrong.

"Then don't give sense to him. I gave him attitude today morning." I spoke, proud of myself for standing up to him. Why am I acting like he's literally a bully? Their eyes went wide. "Yea I'm not going to let him pick on me. Even if I did back down, that would make me seem like an easy target for'em." I said again, and they seemed to understand.

"He has a point, you know." Aaron final spoke, looking between the couple. Corey nodded his head slowly and restarted his game. "Just forget about him for now. Don't let one person ruin today." I smiled and they smiled to each other.

"Dinner tonight. My treat!" Corey exclaimed in his usual funny tone making us laugh. "This'll be good for us." Devyn agreed and sent a signature bright smile. I swear if one person could brighten up the room, it would be Devyn Lundy.

We spent the rest of the day chatting and laughing as we tease Corey for every lose he gets in the game. I'm happy to have friends like these guys.

But now, we only have Colby to deal with..

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