Chapter 19: Knight In Shining Armor

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Colby's Point Of View:

I lay my forehead against Sam's door, hand gently gripping the door knob as I try to get Sam out. Today was the day. The day I'd have to leave and I never expected it to end with an argument. It hurts me that it has to be like that but I can't let this ruin my last chance to see the love of my life. One last time.

A few days before, I received a call from the one and only. My father. I thought he had changed. I thought he had stopped the drinking and cancerous roles that just killed at his lungs. But his slurred words over the phone proved me differently.

He demanded me back home. And he had all authority to do so, seeming as he was.. my 'father' and only guardian. I was scared -in all honesty- but knew I had no way out. I had ran away and it was eventually that he caught on on where I could be.

"S-Sam.. please." I whispered, laying my hand flat again the door as my heart broke slowly. Silence was heard on the other side of the door and I took that as my sign to just leave. Pushing away from the door, I grab my bags and begin out the door.

Halfway there, I stopped, glancing back at the note I had left for my love, explaining everything from top.. to bottom. With one last broken sigh, I walk out of the house, heart shattered and lips craving the feeling of Sam's one last time.

Then again it'll only make this harder for me. "I love you, Sam."

Sam's Point Of View:

I let out a sad sigh after hearing Colby's faint footsteps indicating he had walked away, and ran a hand through my hair. I felt bad for snapping and pained that we actually had a fight over something so silly. I really had over done-it.

I knew he just wished to cuddle, and I appreciate it, but I was just so worried he would get hurt by the others. I let out another sigh and stood up the edge of my bed and out the door. "C-Colby?" I called out, quietly climbing the stairs.

I reached the empty hall and looked around in confusion once all silence was heard. "Colby?" I asked again, scared he would've left to drink away his problems or possibly let out his frustration on someone. I hurried towards the gaming room, determined to find him but he was not there.

"Colby, baby? I-I'm sorry." I called again, checking in the bar room but he wasn't there either. I grabbed my keys and hurried towards the door, when something caught my eye from the side. A note.

I furrowed my eyebrows and walked over, picking it up hesitantly.

Dear Sammy,

I have a few things to say to you though I didn't have the guts to say it in person.. I'm leaving. Today was my last day, that's why I was so determined on holding you and keeping you close these past few days. I was hoping our goodbye wouldn't have ended on a bad note but I just want to say I'm sorry, love.
The reason I'm leaving was because father wanted me back home. Seeming as he was my guardian, he legally got what he wanted. I'm scared, Sam. So scared that I have to do this or I'll face worse than what I'm about to. He hasn't changed and it doesn't seem like he will soon.
My point is, my love, don't be scared for me Sam. And don't ever think you are the reason I left but it was my father himself. I had a great year with you, Sam. I really did but it is now that I return home. My oh-so loving home. You've changed me in ways I couldn't think possible and brought me back to life, Sam.
You taught me the love I've been lacking for years and now I finally got to experience it for my first time. You're my knight in shining armor, Sam. But I don't think you'll be able to save me this once..

No one can.

Stay safe, Sam. I love you.

~ Colby

[ the end ]
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