Chapter 14: Movie Night

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Sam's Point Of View:

Colby and I lay on the couch in the living room, a movie set on random and the lights turned down. I had a blanket wrapped around my shoulders while Colby just had a hoodie on, looking comfier than he should've. I wonder what it'd feel if we were to cuddle.

After hours of being alone together, I've only learned more and more about Colby and his past. Colby's the sweetest guy and most charming from what I now concluded. His laugh was music to my ears and his smile lit up the whole room. He also had a soft spot for animals which I thought was adorable.

Cut off by the hungry grumble of my stomach, I let out a sigh and dropped the blanket. Colby watched in confusion once I stood up and walked into the kitchen to make some popcorn. I hummed once I grabbed a bag of microwave popcorn, throwing it in and letting the beeping of the buttons sound as I chose a timer.

I quietly searched through the cabinets for some bowls and groaned when I couldn't find any. Where is everything?! I bent down to the lower cabinets and opened them up. "Finally." I muttered and grabbed two bowls, when I felt hands slide down to my waist and a body pressing against me.

I quickly straightened up with a gasp and looked up to see Colby. I cleared my throat with a blush and moved away, his eyes never leaving me. What is he doing? "H-Hey." I grinned half-heartedly, facing the microwave with my deep blush.

"What are you doing?" His husky voice spoke and he walked closer to me. "Popcorn." I replied almost instantly and opened up the bag. I poured the popcorn into one of the bowls and plopped one into my mouth as I try avoiding the awkward tension that now surrounded us.

"Mm~ can I taste?" He asked and I nodded, when suddenly a pair of lips smashed against mine and moved against mine quite blissfully. My body was stunned and shocked but my lips replied almost instantly. Colby moved to cup my cheek and continued the kiss with little aggression but also affection to it.

My arms automatically wrapped around his neck as we kiss, the feeling of his lips even softer than they looked. The beeping of the microwave broke us apart as we stood close, panting heavily. I looked up at Colby, my eyes sparkling with excitement and happiness I refuse to show. The next words though, I didn't expect.

"Be my boyfriend, Sam."

"W-What?" I asked with confusion laced in my words. He rolled his eyes a little and pulled me closer to him. "I want you to be my boyfriend, Sam. Will you?" He repeated, this time seeming more nervous. My heart rate increased by every second I didn't reply until I grabbed the back of his neck and connected our lips.

They molded into each other amazingly and the feeling of satisfaction filled me once Colby's hands met my waist and I was pulled into him. I never thought about this until now but I've been denying my crush on Colby and using his disappearance as an excuse for missing him.

I licked Colby's bottom lip for entrance and with granted access, I slipped my tongue into his mouth, exploring every inch of him with a little moan. I might be small and weak but no one said I didn't have dominant intentions. I swiftly turned us around so Colby's lower back was pinned to the counter and his hands stayed hovering over my hips.

I giggled once I noticed his shocked expression and kissed him one last time. "Come on, I wanna watch the movie." I grinned and walked into the living room, Colby hot on my trail in excitement. He hopped on the couch before me and opened his arms with puppy dog eyes. I chuckled and laid between his legs, cuddling into him. It felt right. Cuddling into him, kissing him, being with him. It all felt right.

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